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CTMEVRT – Retrieve lost DSNEVENTs from SMF

The CTMEVRT utility is used in a process for recovering DSNEVENTs that were not handled during a CMEM outage or Control-O outage.

In general, the recovery process consists of the following stages:

  1. The CTMEVRT utility reads SMF records and creates the DAEVENTS file, which contains a list of DSNEVENTs that occurred during the outage period.
  2. The user edits the extracted DAEVENTS file as required.
  3. The edited DAEVENTS file serves as the input to the CTMEVEX utility, which executes the actions of the CMEM/Control-O rules that were not handled during the CMEM/Control-O outage.

This utility creates a list of extracted DSNEVENTs that occurred during the time of the CMEM/Control-O outage. It accomplishes this by retrieving DSNEVENTs from the SMF records written during the outage and cross-referencing them with the CMEM/Control-O rules list.


The following JCL sample for running CTMEVRT and recovering CMEM events can be found in the CTM JCL library. It uses the CTMEVRT procedure in the IOA PROC library:




//*  This is the first stage:                                           

//*      Read SMF records to retrieve missed CMEM DSNEVENTs             


//*  This utility creates a list of extracted DSNEVENTs that occurred   

//*  during the time of the CMEM outage. It accomplishes this by reading

//*  the SMF records written during the CMEM outage and                 

//*  cross-referencing them with the CMEM rules list.                   


//*  The next stage is manually reviewing DAEVENTS.                     

//*  The third stage is running CTMEVEX.                                


//         JCLLIB  ORDER=IOAP.V900.PROCLIB                              

//         INCLUDE MEMBER=IOASET                                        

//CTMEVRT  EXEC CTMEVRT                                                 


//DAEVENTS DD   DSN=&OLPREFM..CTMEVRT.EVENTS,                           

//           DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),                                      

//           UNIT=&DBUNITM,                                            

//           SPACE=(TRK,(200,100))                                      

//SYSIN    DD   *                                                       



A similar JCL sample for running CTOEVRT and recovering Control-O events can be found in the CTO JCL library. It uses the CTOEVRT procedure in the IOA PROC library. CTOEVRT was introduced in Control-O version and can be applied to prior versions through APAR WM10166.

To enable DSNEVENTs extraction from the SMF, the following SMF record types must be collected continuously: 14, 15, 17, 30, 61, 64, 65, and 119 (z/OS Communication Server FTP records subtype 70).

For examples of a recovery scenario, see the Control-M Event Manager (CMEM) chapter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide or the Overview of the Rule Parameters chapter in the Control-O for z/OS User Guide.

Parent Topic

Control-M Utilities