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Quick Schedule Definition Process

Four simple steps are performed one time only in order to create a complete table for an unlimited number of jobs.

Table 149 Quick Schedule Definition Process



Where Performed


Create a skeleton job.

Screen 2, Scheduling Definition facility.


Specify general table information and prerequisite conditions format.

Quick Schedule Definition entry panel.


List job interdependencies.

Quick Definition Job List screen.


Exit the Quick Schedule Definition facility.

Note: The table is automatically created upon exit from the Quick Schedule Definition facility.

These steps are described in detail below.

Step 1: Create a Skeleton Job

In this step you create a job in a table to be used as a skeleton, or model, for all the jobs in the automatically created table (output table).

Enter the Control-M Scheduling Definition facility and create a Control-M table containing one skeleton job. For more information, see Scheduling Definition Facility.

Specify in the skeleton job all parameter values that are to be common to (the same in) all the jobs in the automatically created table.

IN and OUT prerequisite conditions are automatically created by Control-M in the output scheduling table; therefore, IN and OUT parameters in the skeleton definition should not be coded, as they will be ignored.

MEMNAME, MEMLIB, and DOCLIB fields are overridden by Control-M during automatic table creation.

The data in all other fields is copied into each of the new jobs in the output table. Therefore, it is important to verify the data carefully.

%%JOBNAM and %%JOBNAME Variables

If variable %%JOBNAM, a non-AutoEdit variable specific to the Quick Schedule Definition facility, is specified in a SHOUT statement, it is resolved during table creation to the member name in each job.

If System variable %%JOBNAME is specified in a SHOUT statement, it is resolved at runtime to the name of the job. If the job name is not known, %%$MEMNAME can be used in its place.

Step 2: Specify General Table Information and Prerequisite Conditions Format

In this step, you display the Quick Schedule Definition entry panel and specify general table information and the desired format for automatically defined prerequisite conditions.

The entry panel can be displayed either by requesting option M5 on the Online Utilities menu, or by activating CLIST CTMQUICK from the TSO Command Processor. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 132 Control-M Quick Schedule Definition Screen

------------------- CONTROL-M QUICK SCHEDULE DEFINITION -----------------------

COMMAND ===>                                                                




   LIBRARY   ===> CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                                         

   TABLE     ===> PAYROLL              (Scheduling table to be created)     

   SKELETON  ===> DAILY                (Skeleton scheduling table)          


   OWNER in the output table S         (T: your TSO User ID)                

                                       (S: OWNER from the skeleton table)   


PREREQUISITE CONDITIONS FORMAT (CHOOSE ONE)                                 


   GROUP-FROMJOB-SUFFIX ===> Y         (Y/N)                                

   FROMJOB-TOJOB-SUFFIX ===> N         (Y/N)                                

   PREFIX-FROMJOB-TOJOB ===> N         (Y/N)                                

   TOJOB-FROMJOB-SUFFIX ===>           (Y/N)                                


       PREFIX OR SUFFIX ===> OK                                             


       GROUP ===> FINANCE SERVICES     (For group-fromjob-suffix option)    


       CONNECTOR CHARACTER ==>         (After prefix/group; before suffix)  

       CONNECTOR CHARACTER ==>         (Between fromjob and tojob)          


Fill in the following general table information fields:

Table 150 Fields of the Control-M Quick Schedule Definition Screen




Name of the library that contains the skeleton member created in Step 1 and that will contain the output scheduling table.


Name of the table to be created.


Member name of the model scheduling table containing common parameter values (created in Step 1 above). The member must exist in the library specified above.


Value to be entered in the OWNER field in the output scheduling definitions. Valid values are:

  • T – Your TSO user ID is used as the value for OWNER in the output tables.
  • S – The value of OWNER in the skeleton table is used for OWNER in the output tables.

To exit this screen, press END (PF03/PF15).

Note: If you use the selection list fields, their values are not erased until you exit the entry panel by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

Prerequisite Condition Format Fields

Job dependencies are established by prerequisite conditions that are defined in the job scheduling definitions.

The utility defines prerequisite conditions automatically. Therefore, naming conventions for these conditions must be specified. Prerequisite conditions created by the utility must consist of a combination of the following elements:

Table 151 Prerequisite Condition Format Fields




Name of the predecessor job in the dependency.

For example, if JOB-A must terminate before JOB-B can be submitted, JOB-A is the FROMJOB.


Name of the successor job in the dependency. For example, if JOB-B must be submitted after JOB-A terminates, JOB-B is the TOJOB.


Group parameter value assigned to the created jobs.


Constant to be added as a prefix to the condition.


Constant to be added as a suffix to the condition.

Note: Job dependencies are defined in Step 3, described in "Step 3: Specify Job Interdependencies" below.

Control-M can create prerequisite conditions based on the above elements in several different formats. These formats are described below. Select one of the formats by typing Y (Yes) to the right of one desired format, and N (No), to the right of the remaining formats. IN and OUT prerequisite conditions are automatically created in the job scheduling definitions in the selected format.

Table 152 Formats for Prerequisite Conditions




If Y is entered, creates conditions in the following format (for example): BACKUP-BKP00010-OK.


If Y is entered, creates conditions in the following format (for example): BKP00010-BKP00020-OK.


If Y is entered, creates conditions in the following format (for example): VALCHK-BKP00010-BKP00020.


If Y is entered, creates conditions in the following format (for example): BKP00020-BKP00010-OK

The following fields affect the above formatted conditions. The GROUP field also affects the GROUP value in the job scheduling definition.

Table 153 Fields that Affect Prerequisite Conditions Formats




Constant to be used as a prerequisite condition prefix or suffix (depending on the format selected). Mandatory. Valid values are: 1 through 9 characters.


1 through 20 character group name (no embedded spaces) to be used in the job scheduling definitions. Optional, except for format GROUP-FROMJOB-SUFFIX (for which it is mandatory).

If specified, the value in this field is used as the GROUP value in the created job scheduling definitions (that is, in place of the GROUP value in the skeleton).

If the GROUP-FROMJOB-SUFFIX format is requested, an * (Asterisk) can be entered in this field. In this case, the group name is omitted from the prerequisite condition (such as BKP00010-OK), but the created job scheduling definitions still contain the group name defined in the skeleton.


Character used to concatenate the components of the condition names. Mandatory. Valid values are: one non-blank character other than '&' (Ampersand), for example, '-'.

Choose connector characters for the following positions in the condition names:

  • after GROUP, after PREFIX, and before SUFFIX
  • between FROMJOB and TOJOB

Proceeding to the Job List Screen

Once you have filled in the fields in the Quick Definition entry panel, press Enter.

------------------- CONTROL-M QUICK SCHEDULE DEFINITION -----------------------




      |                                                           |

      |    LIBRARY CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                              |

      |    TABLE   PAYROLL                                        |

      |                                                           |

      |    ALREADY EXISTS.                                        |

      |                                                           |


      |                                                           |

      |    DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N)                          |

      |                                                           |



Step 3: Specify Job Interdependencies

In this step you fill in a list of jobs, a description of each job, and the jobs upon which they depend.

After you fill in the Quick Schedule Definition entry panel (and, if necessary, the Overwrite Confirmation window) and press Enter, the Job List screen is displayed:

Figure 134 Quick Schedule Definition Job List Screen Entered

JOB LIST     LIB: CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                             TABLE: PAYROLL

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> PAGE

O NR  MEMNAME  DEPENDS ON---------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------

    1 CHECKCAL *TIME-CARDS-DONE                        CALCULATE CHECKS       

    2 CHECKPRT -                                       PRINT CHECKS           

    3 GOVTREPT CHECKCAL                                REPORTS TO GOVERNMENT  

    4 BANKTAPE 1                                       REPORTS FOR MANAGEMENT


















Fields in the Job List Screen

Table 154 Fields in the Job List Screen




Field for specifying options, which are described in Table 155 below.


Line number. This number can be referenced in the DEPENDS ON field of another job.


Name of the member containing the JCL of the job.

Names that have DUMMY as a prefix cause the utility to create the job scheduling definition as a dummy job.


Jobs and/or external prerequisite conditions on which this job depends. Valid formats for the dependencies:

  • name – Name of the job (MEMNAME) upon which the current job depends.
  • position-number – Number of the job on the screen. This number is automatically adjusted when an option changes the position of the current job or the job upon which it depends.
  • - (Minus sign) – The Minus sign represents the previous job in the list.
  • *in-condition – Name of an external prerequisite condition, that is, a prerequisite condition other than job interdependencies that are automatically created. It must be preceded by an asterisk (*) and be the last dependency entered on the job line. The date reference ODAT is automatically associated with the in-condition.

More than one dependency can be listed by separating each name by a comma. Format types may be mixed on a line.


  • 1 – Job on line 1 of the list
  • - (Minus sign) – Job on the preceding line
  • 3,*SALES-DATA – Job on line 3 of the list plus an external IN condition.


Description of the job in free text.

Options of the Job List Screen

To use one of the following options, type the option in the O field to the left of the line number. These options are similar to ISPF line commands.

Table 155 Options of the Job List Screen




Insert a blank line immediately after the current line.


Insert a blank line immediately preceding this line. This enables addition of data before the first line in the list.


Repeat this line immediately after the current line.


Delete this line. If a job depends upon this line, you receive an error message.


Indicates that the target of a copy or move is directly after this line.


Indicates that the target of a copy or move is directly before this line.


Copy this line to the target.


Move this line to the target.

After performing requested options, Control-M automatically handles renumbering and adjusts the relevant DEPENDS ON parameter values on the screen.

Step 4: Exit the Quick Schedule Definition Facility (and Create a Table)

To exit the Quick Schedule Definition facility after entering the data for a table, press the END (PF03/PF15) key. An Exit Option window is opened:

Figure 135 Quick Schedule Definition Facility Exit Option Window

JOB LIST     LIB: CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                              TABLE: PAYROLL

COMMAN +--------------------------------------------------------------+

       |               PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                      |

       |                                                              |

       |     SAVE    CREATE                                           |

       |                                                              |

       |       LIBRARY CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                              |

       |     TABLE   PAYROLL                                          |

       |                                                              |


The schedule can be saved (to replace a table of the same name that previously existed in the library), or created (to store a new table in the library), by typing Y in the appropriate exit option. The job schedule is automatically created as you exit.

If N is entered, the table is not saved, and the schedule is not produced. You return to the Utilities screen or other screen, depending on how you entered the utility.

If no changes have been made, the Exit Option window is not opened.

To exit to the Quick Schedule Definition entry panel without saving your entries (and without creating the job schedule), press RESET (PF04).

The screen below illustrates job GOVTREPT selected from the jobs listed in the Job List screen in Step 3 above. Note particularly the automatically created MEMNAME, IN, and OUT parameters, and the job name inserted into the SHOUT message in place of the %%JOBNAM variable in the skeleton job definition.

Figure 136 Scheduling Definition Screen Quick Schedule Definition Example


COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL===> CRSR


  MEMNAME GOVTREPT      MEMLIB   CTM.PROD.JOBLIB                              

  OWNER   M44         TASKTYPE JOB    PREVENT-NCT2   DFLT  N                  

  APPL    APPL-L                      TBL BKP-PROD-L                        

  DESC    REPORTS TO GOVERNMENT                                               

  OVERLIB                                                   STAT CAL          

  SCHENV                         SYSTEM ID                  NJE NODE          

  SET VAR                                                                     

  CTB STEP AT         NAME       TYPE                                         

  DOCMEM  GOVTREPT    DOCLIB                                                  


SCHEDULE RBC                                                                 

RELATIONSHIP (AND/OR) O                                                      

DAYS                                                         DCAL            


WDAYS                                                        WCAL            

MONTHS 1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y        


CONFCAL          SHIFT       RETRO N MAXWAIT 04   D-CAT                      




  IN       FINANCE-CHECKCAL-OK  ODAT                                          



  FROM TIME         +     DAYS    UNTIL TIME      +     DAYS   


  TIME ZONE:                                                   


  OUT      FINANCE-GOVTREPT-OK  ODAT +                                        

  AUTO-ARCHIVE Y          SYSDB    Y      MAXDAYS      MAXRUNS                


  SYSOUT OP   (C,D,F,N,R)                                              FROM   

  MAXRERUN      RERUNMEM                           INTERVAL         FROM      

  STEP RANGE         FR (PGM.PROC)          .          TO          .          

  ON PGMST ANYSTEP  PROCST          CODES NOTOK                         A/O   

    DO SHOUT     TO TSO-M44             URGENCY R                             

     = JOB GOVTREPT ENDED "NOT OK"                                            

  ON SYSOUT                                          FROM 001 TO 132    A/O   


  ON VAR                                                                      


  SHOUT WHEN           TIME       +     DAYS     TO                  URGN    


======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF SCHEDULING PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =======

COMMANDS: EDIT, DOC, PLAN, JOBSTAT                                     20.28.53

Parent Topic

M5: Quick Schedule Definition