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Option 2: Update Parameters and Set Conditions

After selecting option 2 of the Parameter Prompting facility (Type 1) Primary menu, the Table Selection screen is displayed.

Figure 120 Update Parameters and Set conditions - Table Selection Screen

---- CONTROL-M - P.P.F. - TABLE SELECTION ------------------------- Row 1 of 3

COMMAND ===>                                                SCROLL ===> PAGE

TABLE PREFIX  ===>                                                          


_ TABLE NAME ===> BAK                               DATE ===> 06 / 06       

             LIBRARY    : CTM.PROD.PROMPT                                   

             DESCRIPTION: BACKUP CRITERIA                                   

_ TABLE NAME ===> REP                               DATE ===> 06 / 06       

             LIBRARY    : CTM.PROD.PROMPT                                   

             DESCRIPTION: REPORTING CRITERIA                                

_ TABLE NAME ===> TAP                               DATE ===> 06 / 06       

             LIBRARY    : CTM.PROD.PROMPT                                   

             DESCRIPTION: EXTERNAL TAPE DATA                                

******************************** Bottom of Data *******************************


This screen displays a list of Daily Prompting tables available for update. A Daily table is a copy of a Master Table specific to a particular business day. It is accessed in order to assign values to (previously defined) parameters and to set conditions. The Daily table can be accessed multiple times on the same day.

When you enter this screen, the current date is displayed for each Daily Table. You can overwrite the date to select a different date.

Table deletion can be performed from this screen by typing option D (Delete) in the selection field to the left of TABLE NAME and pressing Enter. A Delete Confirmation window is displayed.

Figure 121 Table Selection Screen Delete Confirmation Window

---- CONTROL-M - P.P.F. - TABLE SELECTION ------------------------- Row 1 of 3

COMMAND ===>                                                SCROLL ===> PAGE  

TABLE PREFIX  ===>      +-----------------------------------------------+     

----------------------- | CONFIRM DELETE OPTION                         | ----

D TABLE NAME ===> BAK   | <<===   < N > (Y/N)                           |     

             LIBRARY    |                                               |     

             DESCRIPTIO | DELETE DAILY PROMPT TABLE ONLY ===> N  (Y/N)  |     

_ TABLE NAME ===> REP   +-----------------------------------------------+     

             LIBRARY    : CTM.PROD.PROMPT                                    

             DESCRIPTION: REPORTING CRITERIA                                  

_ TABLE NAME ===> TAP                              DATE ===> 06 / 06          

             LIBRARY    : CTM.PROD.PROMPT                                    

             DESCRIPTION: EXTERNAL TAPE DATA                                  

******************************** Bottom of Data ******************************


The Delete Confirmation window also enables you to choose the type of deletion desired.

Type Y (Yes) to confirm the deletion. When deletion is requested, then by default the table is deleted from the Table list, and both the Master Prompting table and the current Daily table are deleted from the Prompting library.

To delete the current daily table without deleting the table from the Table list and without deleting the Master Prompting table from the Prompting library, type Y in the DELETE DAILY TABLE ONLY field. In this case, only the current daily table and the corresponding daily AutoEdit member are deleted. The setting of the DELETE DAILY TABLE ONLY field is preserved in a profile variable for ease of subsequent use. This is useful if the Master Prompting table has been updated. To reflect those changes in the Daily table and the AutoEdit member, the current Daily table must be deleted, and then be reselected again.

To select a table for any action other than deletion, enter any character except D in the selection field to the left of TABLE NAME and press Enter.

The display of tables can be limited to those tables beginning with a prefix of 1 through 3 characters by filling in the TABLE PREFIX field. The TABLE PREFIX is retained as an ISPF profile variable from one invocation of the Table Selection screen to the next.

To display the first occurrence of a table at the top of the screen, use the line command L xxxx, where xxxx is a specific parameter or parameter prefix (under the command line).

Update Parameters and Set Conditions Screen

After table selection, the screen shown in Figure 122 is displayed:

Figure 122 Update Parameters and Set Conditions Screen


COMMAND ===>                                                SCROLL ===> PAGE

PARM PREFIX  ===>                                   TAPT1112     UPDATED ON


_ VALUE ===>                                                                

     OF ===> IRS-TAPE                                                      

             WEEKLY TAPE FROM IRS                                           

_ VALUE ===> XXXX                                                           

     OF ===> A-BANK-TAPE                                         06  06     

             TAPE FROM BANK GROUP A                                         

****************************** Bottom of Data  *******************************


This screen displays a list of all AutoEdit parameters for which values can be updated. The following information is presented for each parameter:

Table 143 Fields of the Update Parameters and Set Conditions Screen




Default value of the parameter. This value can be modified.


Parameter name.


This description appears only if the value YES was entered in the PARAMETER DESCRIPTION WILL BE DISPLAYED field on the Parameter Prompting facility (Type 1) Primary menu.

Date Updated

The date of update is displayed in either mm dd or dd mm format depending on the site standard.

The display of parameters can be limited to parameters beginning with a specific prefix by filling in the PARM PREFIX field (under the command line).

To display the first occurrence of a parameter at the top of a screen, use the line command L parm, where parm is a specific parameter or parameter prefix.

From this screen, conditions can be added to the IOA Conditions file, with or without changing the value of the parameter.

If Y (Yes) was entered for the "Confirm Parameter Update Actions" option in the Type 1 Primary menu, the following confirmation window is displayed. Type Y to confirm the updates (or N to cancel them).

Figure 123 Update Parameters and Set Conditions - Confirm Parameter Update Actions


COMMAND ===>                                               SCROLL ===> PAGE

PARM PREFIX  ===>                                  TAPT1112     UPDATED ON  


_ VALUE ===>                                                                

     OF ===> IRS-TAPE    +------------------------+                         

         WEEKLY TAPE FRO | CONFIRM UPDATE ACTION  |                         

_ VALUE ===> XXXX        | <<===   < N > (Y/N)    |                         

     OF ===> A-BANK-TAPE +------------------------+                         

         TAPE FROM BANK GROUP A                                             

****************************** Bottom of Data  ********************************


After an update request is completed in the screen, all changes are immediately saved in the Daily table. Any manual condition associated with this parameter prompt is added to the IOA Conditions file.

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the screen.

Parent Topic

M4: Parameter Prompting Facilities