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M3: Prepare Simulation/Tape Pull List Job

This screen is used to activate the Simulation procedure or the Tape Pull List procedure. The screen can be displayed in the following ways:


COMMAND ===>                                                                  


  RUN SIMULATION          ===> Y              (Y-to run, N-skip to reports)   

      From                ===> 200106030900   (Format YYYYMMDDhhmm)           

      Until               ===> 200106031600   (Format YYYYMMDDhhmm)           

  ON  Today's-current AJF ===> Y              (Y/N    If "N", fill in the date)

      Another day -  DATE ===>                (DD MM YY)                      

      Create new AJF      ===> N              (Y/N)                           

      Order daily jobs    ===> N              (Y/N)                           

      Keep output AJF,RES ===> Y              (Y/N)                           

      Parameters member   ===> SIMPARM        (Simulation parameters)         

  REPORTS  Jobs left      ===> Y              (Y/N)                           

           Night schedule ===> Y              (Y/N)                           


  TAPE PULL LIST          ===> N              (Y/N)                           

      Report by VOLSER    ===> Y              (Y/N)                           

      Report by TIME      ===> Y              (Y/N)                           

      Report by JOBNAME   ===> N              (Y/N)                           

      Report by DSN       ===> N              (Y/N)                           

      Parameters member   ===> TAPULPRM       (Tape pull parameters)          


  Enter YES to continue   ===> YES         or END key to EXIT                 

The Simulation facility simulates the actions of the Control-M monitor under the conditions specified in the simulation parameters.

Online simulation is performed in the CPU without updating the simulation input files, or without performing any other I/O procedure.

Note: At sites supporting the JOB/SCAN, PRO/JCL, or DOCU/TEXT Interface, the lower portion of the Simulation screen is modified to contain the INVOKE JOBSCAN parameters.

The Tape Pull List procedure creates a list of all tapes to be mounted in a specified period, taking into account the expected order of job execution and the order of creation of tape data sets. The list can be sorted and edited in various ways.

This utility also provides the following benefits:

Note: For the Tape Pull List procedure to execute properly, authority must be granted for the submission of jobs to the internal reader (INTRDR).

For more information about Simulation and Tape Pull List procedures, see Simulation and Forecasting Facility.

To activate this online utility, fill in the fields and sub-fields shown in Table 140, and press Enter.\-

Table 140 Fields of the Control-M Simulation and Forecasting and Tape Pull List Screen





Whether to run the simulation. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Run the simulation. The results of the simulation run are kept in the Log file and the Active Jobs file (AJF) and can be used for producing reports and/or the tape pull list. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not run the simulation. Use the results of a prior simulation to produce reports and/or the tape pull list.


Simulation start date and time, in the format yyyymmddhhmm.


Simulation end date and time, in the format yyyymmddhhmm.

ON Fields:

    ON Today’s-current AJF

Whether to use "Today’s" data (that is, the data currently in the AJF) as input for the simulation. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Use "Today’s" data. If you choose this option, BMC recommends that you run the simulation after "Today’s" jobs have been placed on the AJF using New Day processing. Default.
  • N (No) – Use data from the date specified in the Another Day -  DATE field.

    Another day -  DATE

Date to use for scheduling or ordering simulation jobs. The format is ddmmyy, mmddyy, or yymmdd, depending on your site standard. A valid date must be entered when not using "Today’s" data (that is, if N is entered in the Today’s-current AJF field.)

    Create new AJF

Whether to allocate a new AJF to contain jobs for the simulation. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Allocate a new AJF. This value must be specified when not using the data currently in the AJF, that is, if N is entered in the Today’s-current AJF field.
  • N (No) – Do not allocate a new AJF. This value must be specified when using the data currently in the AJF, that is, if Y is entered in the Today’s-current AJF field. Default.

    Order daily jobs

Whether to load into the new AJF all the jobs that are scheduled to execute on the specified date. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Load the jobs into the AJF. A User Daily step is entered into the job. This step schedules all the jobs based on their basic scheduling criteria. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the Table list for this job is up-to-date.
    This value must be specified when not using "Today’s" data and when creating a new AJF, that is, if N is entered in the Today’s-current AJF field and Y is entered in the Create new AJF field.
  • N (No) – Do not load the jobs into the AJF. This value is generally specified when using "today’s" data or when not creating a new AJF (that is, if Y is entered in the Today’s-current AJF field or N is entered in the Create new AJF field.) Default.

    Keep output AJF,RES

Specifies whether to save the output AJF, the IOA Conditions file, and the Control-M Resources file (that is, the files as they appear at the end of the simulation.) The output files must be kept if you plan to produce reports, such as a Jobs Left report, based on these files. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Keep the output files. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not keep the output files.

    Parameters member

Name of the member in the CTM PARM library that contains the simulation parameters. This member may contain parameters such as INTERVAL, ADD COND, and so on.

Default: SIMPARM


Types of reports to be produced. Valid values for each report type are:

  • Y – the report type is generated
  • N – the report type is not generated

Note: This part of the panel is often site-modified. The following are the default report types:

    Jobs left

This report lists the jobs that did not end OK by the end of the simulation (jobs in status WAIT SCHEDULE, EXECUTING, ENDED NOTOK, and so on). This report is identical to KeyStroke Sample report REPJOBMO in the IOA.KSL library. Default: Y

    Night schedule

This report provides a job execution time summary. For more information, see the discussion of CTMRNSC, the night schedule report, in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide. Default: Y



Specifies whether to run the Tape Pull List procedure. The accompanying "Report by" fields specify whether to generate individual Tape Pull reports. Valid values for this field and the accompanying "Report by" fields are:

  • Y (Yes) – Generate the report.
  • N (No) – Do not generate the report

    Report by VOLSER

This report is sorted by volume serial number (this includes all tapes from the tape library). Default: Y

    Report by TIME

This report is sorted by the expected mount time. Default: Y

    Report by JOBNAME

This report is sorted by job name. Default: N

    Report by DSN

This report is sorted by data set name. Default: N.

    Parameters member

Name of the member in the CTM PARM library that contains the Tape Pull parameters. This member may contain parameters such as REPBYVOL, REPBYTIME, or REPBYJOB. Default: TAPULPRM



These parameters apply only if the JOB/SCAN, PRO/JCL, or DOCU/TEXT Interface is installed at your site. Valid values for the accompanying fields are Y (Yes) or N (No). Only one Y value can be entered.

  • Y (Yes) – JOBSCAN or PRO/JCL is invoked, the validation is performed, and the appropriate report is displayed in the utility output.
  • N (No) – The specified validation is ignored.

    JCL Checking

If Y is entered

  • checks the JCL specified in the member referenced by the DAJCLOUT DD statement for errors


  • checks for adequate DASD disk space allocation.

    Errors Only

If Y is entered, checks for JCL errors only.

    Space Report

If Y is entered, checks for adequate DASD disk space allocation only.

Enter YES to continue Field:

Enter YES to continue

When set to blank, the jobs are not generated. This prevents the simulation or tape pull list jobs from being unintentionally generated.

Type YES to enable the job run. The file of the simulation job as tailored to your specifications is displayed in ISPF EDIT. You can submit it, save it for future use, and so on.

Default: YES

To exit the screen without activating either facility, press PF03/PF15.

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Utilities Under ISPF