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Defining a regular/periodic calendar

You can define a regular/periodic calendar by selecting the REGULAR/PERIODIC calendar type in the IOA Calendar Facility - Entry Panel or upon exiting the Year List screen.

In the IOA Calendar Facility - Entry Panel, complete the parameters shown in Table 125 and press Enter.

Table 125 Regular/periodic job parameters




Name of the desired calendar library. Mandatory.

If you make an entry in this field without filling in the CALENDAR field, the list of calendars in the selected library is displayed in the Calendar List screen.

If you make an entry in this field, you can restrict the list of calendars that are displayed by entering in the CALENDAR field part of a Calendar name together with a mask character or characters (? and *).


Name of the desired calendar member. Optional.

If you make an entry in this field without filling in the YEAR field, the list of years in the selected calendar member is displayed in the Year List screen.


Year of the desired calendar definition. Optional.

This field can be used only if a CALENDAR value is also entered. If specified, the calendar definition is displayed in the Calendar Definition screen.

Note: If you use the selection list fields, their values are not erased until you exit the entry panel by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

The Calendar List screen appears displaying a list of calendars (members) in the selected library.

By default, only calendar names are listed in the screen. However, if the default has been modified at time of installation, statistical information is displayed for each calendar name, as shown in Figure 96.

Figure 96 Calendar List Screen

CALENDARS IN LIB IOA.PROD.CAL                                 ------------(8.D)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID   

     BANKDAYS          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50   104   104     0 IOAPROD

     DAYSOFF           01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    30    30     0 IOAPROD

     HOLIDAYS          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    15    15     0 IOAPROD

     PERIOD1O          01.00 02/01/28 01/06/29 09:50    45    45     0 IOAPROD

     SACAYCLN          01.01 02/01/28 01/11/29 17:43    26    26     0 L3051  

     SPMONCLN          01.01 02/01/29 01/11/30 15:00   117   104     0 M16A   

     SPWEKCLN          01.01 02/01/29 01/11/30 15:10   117   104     0 M16A   

     STOCKDAY          01.00 02/01/30 01/06/31 09:50    45    45     0 IOAPROD

     WORKDAYS          01.01 02/01/30 01/11/31 17:43    26    26     0 L3051  

======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE CALENDARS IN LIBRARY  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======






OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE                               13.54.14

To return to the IOA Calendar Facility - Entry Panel, press END (PF03/PF15).

To request one of the following options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the calendar names, and press Enter.

Table 126 Options for Calendar List screen




Display the list of years for the calendar for any purpose, including editing or modification. Only one calendar can be selected at a time.


Display the list of years for the calendar for browsing. Only one calendar can be selected at a time.


Deletes the calendar (member) from the library. Multiple calendars can be selected.

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