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Display Types of the Variable Zoom Screen

The following predefined display types are available for the Variable Zoom screen.

Table 102 Display Types of the Variable Zoom Screen



D (Default display type)

Includes the first 64 characters of both the variable name and path, and the variable value for the selected database row.

An additional line containing the remainder of the variable name and path (up to 76 characters), and an additional line containing the remainder of the variable value (up to 76 characters) can be displayed by option A (Additional Information), which is described in Table 103.

B (Blank Line display type)

This display type displays the second line for all variables and values, regardless of whether the line contains additional information.

Changing Display Types

While in the Variable Zoom screen, the display type can be changed using the DISPLAY command. Format of the command is:


where x is the identifying letter for the desired type.

DISPLAY can be abbreviated to DI.



displays the Blank Line display type

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Variable Zoom Screen