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Exiting the Rule List Screen

Use the END command (PF03/PF15) to exit the Rule List screen. If changes made to at least one rule have been kept in memory (as described in the preceding section) and/or if any changes have been made to the Rule List screen, the Exit Option window is displayed.

Figure 75 Rule List Screen Exit Option Window


COMMAN +———————————————————————————————————————————————————+  ===> CRSR

OPT  R |            PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION              |  --------

     J |                                                   |         

     J |     SAVE    CREATE                                |         

     J |                                                   |         

     J |     LIBRARY CTM.PROD.RULES                        |         

     J |     TABLE   BACKUP                                |  FORCEJOB

     M |                                                   |         

     C +———————————————————————————————————————————————————+  ADDCOND

======= >>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE RULES IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<< =======

OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT   C COPY              13.00.12

Fill in the Exit Option window as follows:

The LIBRARY and TABLE fields indicate the library and table in which the rule definitions are saved. The specified values can be modified (for example, to save the rule definitions in a new or different table).

Parent Topic

Exiting the CMEM Rule Definition Facility