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History Environment Screen

Jobs can be automatically moved from the Active Jobs file to the History Jobs file during the subsequent New Day processing.

Jobs in the History Jobs file can be displayed in the History Environment screen.

The History Environment screen is a special case of the Active Environment screen. It is displayed when command HISTORY is typed in the Command field in the Active Environment screen.

Figure 66 History Environment Screen

Filter: DEFAULT   ------- CONTROL-M  History Environment ------ DOWN   - (3)  

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   060601                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

  CTMLDNRS PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

  CTMCLRES PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

  GEN1     PRODMNGR 060601 PRDGEN1 /17048   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  GEN2     PRODMNGR 060601 PRDGEN2 /17049   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  GEN3     PRODMNGR 060601 PRDGEN3 /17050   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  GEN4     PRODMNGR 060601 PRDGEN4 /17051   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  GEN5     PRODMNGR 060601 PRDGEN5 /17053   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  TPCICS47 TP05     060601 TPCICS47/18081   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  TPCICS12 TP01     060601 TPCICS12/18082   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  GEN1     PRODMNGR 060601 PRDGEN1 /18084   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  GEN2     PRODMNGR 060601 PRDGEN2 /18085   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  TPCICS05 TP05     060601 TPCICS05/18090   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  Y01ACCB  ACCT     060601 Y01ACCB /19053   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  Y01ACCC  ACCT     060601 Y01ACCB /19150   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  Y01ACCD  ACCT     060601 Y01ACCB /19230   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  Y01ACCE  ACCT     060601 Y01ACCB /19232   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  Y01ACCF  ACCT     060601 Y01ACCB /19233   JOB Ended "OK"                    

  Y01ACCG  ACCT     060601 Y01ACCB /19501   JOB Ended "OK"                    

Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table  

          OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     14.55.34

Because the History Environment screen is a special case of the Active Environment screen, the features of the two screens are almost identical, and are described in Active Environment Screen. Differences between the screens are as follows:

The selection of line options available in the History Environment screen is different than the selecton of line options available in the Active Environment screen. Below is the Alternate Bottom line of the History Environment screen.

Opt: L Log ZZoom S Stat R Restore J JCL Edit V View Sysout T Table

The OPT command toggles between Commands and Options display.

Upon exiting the History Environment screen (by pressing PF03/PF15), the Active Environment screen is displayed.

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Tracking and Control Facility