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Fields of the Statistics Screen

For each computer with statistics on the job, an Average Statistics line is displayed followed by individual job or SMART Table Entity statistics for each execution. Individual job and SMART Table Entity statistics are listed in descending chronological order, with the most recently ended job at the top.

Average Statistics Lines

The second line following the report heading contains:

The first line following the header contains the following statistics for the jobs which are grouped by the SYSID and PERiod specified above:

Note: The SYSID consists of one or two digits, left-justified.

Individual Execution Statistics

Table 82 Statistics Screen Individual Execution Statistics




Job number under JES. Blank for DUMMY jobs (and some NOTOK jobs).


Job name from the JCL JOB statement. Blank for DUMMY jobs.


Job’s status. Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – job ended OK (or Forced OK)
  • NOTOK – job ended NOTOK (or required a RERUN)
  • DUMMY – dummy job


Date and time the job began executing.

Date format: mmddyy, yymmdd or ddmmyy depending on site standard.

Time format: hh:mm, where hh=hours and mm=minutes.


Date and time the job finished executing. Same format as STRT DATE/TIME.


Elapsed runtime. Format:, where mmmm is minutes and ss is seconds.


CPU time used. Format mmmm:ss.nn, where mmmm is minutes, ss is seconds and nn is hundredths of seconds.


SRB (System Request Block) time used. Format: mmmm:ss.nn, where mmmm is minutes, ss is seconds and nn is hundredths of seconds.


Optionally supplied data from the user data area in the Control-M Statistics file (edited by user Exit CTMX013).

SMART Table Entity Execution Statistics

Fields of the SMART Table Entity Execution statistics have different meanings than corresponding fields of the Individual Execution statistics.

Table 83 Statistics Screen SMART Table Entity Execution Statistics




Order ID of the SMART Table Entity.




Status of the jobs in the SMART Table. Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – all jobs in the table ended OK (or Forced OK)
  • NOTOK – at least one job in the SMART Table did not end OK (or required a RERUN)


Date and time the SMART Table began executing.

Date format: mmdd or ddmm depending on site standard.

Time format: hh:mm (where hh=hours and mm=minutes).


Date and time the SMART Table finished executing. Same format as STRT DATE/TIME.


Elapsed time from the time the first job in the SMART Table began executing until the time the last job in the SMART Table finished executing.







To view the entire screen displayed in Figure 63, scroll to the right (using PF11/PF23).

Tape Device Usage Statistics

If the AUTOTAPE parameter in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library is set to Yes, tape device usage information is accumulated for every Control-M job execution that ended OK. This information is used by the Automatic Tape Adjustment facility to automatically allocate the appropriate number of tape drives for a job at job order time. This allocated value overrides any specified tape device usage value in the RESOURCE parameter. For more information, see the discussion of using the automatic tape adjustment facility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

This information (shown below) can be displayed by scrolling to the right of the Statistics screen (using PF11/PF23):

Figure 64 Tape Device Usage Statistics

  JOBID   STRT DATE   DEVICES USED                       

  AVERAGE: SYSID:                                        

   0239   05/02/01    TAPE=1;CARTRIDGE=1;                

   0643   06/02/01    TAPE=1;CARTRIDGE=1;                

   0399   07/02/01    TAPE=1;CARTRIDGE=1;                

   2141   12/02/01    TAPE=1;CARTRIDGE=1;                

   0493   13/02/01    TAPE=1;CARTRIDGE=1;                

The tape usage information consists of fields JOBID and START date (from the Statistics screen) so that tape usage of a specific job execution can be easily identified, and an additional field, DEVICES USED, which is described below.

The DEVICES USED field contains tape device types and number of devices of each type that were used by the job. This field has the following format:



The maximum quantity of units per device type for any job that can be accommodated by the Statistics file is 15. Any actual quantity exceeding 15 will be stored and displayed as 15.

Tape device types are displayed in the order specified by the INCONTROL administrator in the UNITDEF member of the Control-M PARM library.

If the tape device usage information occupies more than the visible screen, scroll again to the right (using PF11 or PF23) to view additional device usage information. The maximum length of tape device usage data is 255 characters.

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Statistics Screen