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Global View Screen

The Global View screen is displayed by typing the command VIEW (abbreviated V) in the COMMAND field of the Active Environment screen and pressing Enter, or by pressing PF10/PF22 in the Active Environment screen.

This screen provides a statistical overview of the status of the jobs running under Control-M. Information is presented by TABLE name, by date (that is, separate statistics for the same table name on different dates).

Note: All jobs having the same table name are grouped together, including jobs from different tables of different types.

Figure 44 Global View Screen

-------------------------- GLOBAL VIEW - BY TABLE --------------------(3.VIEW)

COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL===> CRSR

TOTAL  WAIT SCHEDULE   647   EXECUTING     19  END NOTOK      9  END OK   2014

STAT TABLE-------------- ODATE  #WSC #EXC #END  MEMNAME  -----JOB STATUS------

  WS CTM-CONTROL          060601    1         4  CTMCLRES WAIT SCHEDULE       

  ER PROD-ONSPOOL         060601             43  P0*      ENDED NOTOK   S0C4  

* EN DD-DAY-PROD          060601             42                               

  WS BR-IVP-CC            060601    8        28  BRIVPCCE WAIT SCHEDULE       

  WS SYSTEMS-JOBS         060601    4        22  SMFCLEAN WAIT SCHEDULE       

  WS PROD-KPL             060601   47            PRDKPL01 WAIT SCHEDULE       

  ER MT-PRODUCTION        060601   10        24  MTPRQV   ENDED NOTOK   S0C1  

                                                 MTRRU04  ENDED NOTOK   U0016

  ER APPL-PROD-INTERNAL   060601    9    2    2  INTPRD02 ENDED NOTOK   C0008

                                                 INTPRD01 EXECUTING           

                                                 INTPRD1A WAIT EXECUTION      

  RN PR-PRODUCTION        060601   10    6   24  PRDINP6A EXECUTING           

                                                 PRDRPT99 EXECUTING           

                                                 PRDDFN   EXECUTING           

                                                 PRDRPT10 EXECUTING           

                                                 PRDUPD12 EXECUTING           

                                                 PRDUPD14 WAIT EXECUTION      

  RN VIJ-JOBS             060601         4   42  VIJJBNX  ENDED NOTOK   NOMEM

                                                 VIJRUN22 ENDED NOTOK   JNRUN


AutoRefresh mode is available under this screen.

To update the screen, press the REFRESH key (PF10/PF22).

To return to the Active Environment screen, press the END key (PF03/PF15).

Parent Topic

Tracking and Control Facility