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Display Type A (All Info)

The following is an example of the All Info display type. In addition to the Default information, it contains statistical information about the job run.

Figure 41 Display Type A (All Fields)

Filter:           ------- CONTROL-M  Active  Environment ------ DOWN  <A> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

  DAILYPRD PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

   OrderID 001Q6  TBL CTM-CONTROL                                             

   MaxRC                          Res. Use: Y                                 

   Time Fr:       Time Un:       Priority: 00                                 

    Due-In: 0859  Due-Out: 0859  Late:                                        

   Avg Elaps: 0000               RBA:  000002                                 

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   060601                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

   OrderID 001Q7  TBL CTM-CONTROL                                             

   MaxRC                          Res. Use: Y                                 

   Time Fr:       Time Un:       Priority: 00                                 

    Due-In: 0859  Due-Out: 0859  Late:                                        

   Avg Elaps: 0000               RBA:  000003                                 

  CTMLDNRS PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

   OrderID 001Q8  TBL CTM-CONTROL                                             

   MaxRC                          Res. Use: Y                                 

   Time Fr:       Time Un:       Priority: 00                                 

    Due-In: 0859  Due-Out: 0859  Late:                                        

   Avg Elaps: 0000               RBA:  000004                                 

  CTMCLRES PRODMNGR 060601                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout    

     N Net D Del F Free S Stat T Table U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 14.50.56

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Active Environment Screen