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Screen Layout

Most IOA screens are divided into four basic areas. The example used in this section is the IOA Log screen.

Table 22 Basic IOA Screen Areas

Screen Area


Screen Description and Message Line

This line at the top of the screen describes the purpose of the screen (in the example screen, "IOA Log"). A screen identifier may appear in the upper right corner (in the example screen, 5). This line is also used to display messages.

Screen Header and Command Area

This area is used for online commands, and, where applicable, headings of the screen data.

Data Area

On some screens, the data area can be scrolled. For more information, see Scrolling Commands.

Screen Bottom

This area of the screen usually contains a list of available commands or options (In the example screen, SHOW, TABLE, CATEGORY, and SHPF), or a brief explanation about screen usage. The current time is displayed in the lower right corner.

Figure 6 IOA Log Screen

FILTER:            ---------------- IOA LOG  -------------------------------(5)  

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 291201 - 010102

DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------

311201 184915 311201 K48      SUB13AI JOB K48RUN1 / OID=005W9 SUBMITTER STARTED

                                       PROCESSING JOB ON SYSTEM: OS35          

311201 184915 311201 K48      SUB133I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9      

                                      SUBMITTED FROM LIBRARY (P) K48.LIB.JOB   

311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY28GI JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 TAPE 

                                      DRIVE UNITS USED=00 00                   

311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY281I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 START

                                       01365.1849 STOP 01365.1849 CPU 0MIN     

                                      00.05SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.00 4AOS35   

311201 184918 311201 K48      SPY254I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9      


311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL216W JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9      

                                      UNEXPLAINED COND CODE 0015 STEP EXEC /   

311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL214I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 RERUN


311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL205I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9 RERUN

                                       IN PROCESS USING MEM K48RUN1            

311201 184918 311201 K48      SEL286I JOB K48RUN1 K48RUN /27255 OID=005W9      

                                      WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION                 

CMDS: SHOW, table, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      08.57.11

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IOA Features