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Multi-Screen Control

It is not necessary to return to the IOA Primary Option menu to move from one online facility to another.

To speed up transfer of control between screens of different facilities and to enable you to manage several online facilities at the same time, transfer control commands can be specified. Transfer commands take you directly from your current screen to the requested screen. Transfer commands can be used to reach any screen that can be accessed by the IOA Primary Option menu at your site.

Each transfer control command consists of an equal sign immediately followed by one of the options of the IOA Primary Option menu, which represents the target screen of the transfer. For example, from any screen, enter:

Table 21 IOA Transfer Control Commands




to access the IOA Log screen


to access the IOA Conditions/Resources screen


to access the IOA Primary Option menu

If you use a transfer command to reach another screen, the state of the current screen remains unchanged when you return to it by another transfer command.

The INCONTROL administrator can globally deactivate any or all of the transfer commands.

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