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SPECIFIC TIMES: Runtime Scheduling Parameter

This parameter defines the specific times that cyclic jobs will run. This field exists in both the Job Scheduling and SMART Table Entity Definition Screens.

Optional. SPECIFIC TIMES consists of the subparameters described in Table 218.

Table 218 SPECIFIC TIMES Subparameters




Time of day that the cyclic jobs will run, specified in 24-hour format, without a colon separating the hours from the minutes. Valid values are: 0000 through 2400.

Default: 0000

For example: 1500 specifies 3:00 P.M.


A number indicating the number of days in the future, relative to the actual order date. Valid values are: 0 through 30.

Default: 0


A number indicating the maximum number of minutes after the specific_time permitted for a late submission. Valid values are: 0 through 60.

Default: 15

In the example below the job will run at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Figure 312 SPECIFIC TIMES Parameter Example


  AUTO-ARCHIVE Y           SYSDB    Y      MAXDAYS      MAXRUNS             


  SYSOUT OP   (C,D,F,N,R)                                               FROM

  MAXRERUN     RERUNMEM                                                     

  CYCLIC TYPE: S                                    INTERVAL          FROM  

  INTERVAL SEQUENCE:  +         +         +         +            +          

  SPECIFIC TIMES:                                          TOLERANCE     0011

                     1000 + 000  1100 +  000      +           +             +

                          +           +           +           +             +

  STEP RANGE         FR (PGM, PROC)                                  TO     

  ON PGMST          PROCST          CODES                                A/O

The SPECIFIC TIMES and TOLERANCE parameters can be set to enable a job to run after the specified time. If the job being executed runs over the proceeding job’s specified time, the proceeding job’s execution time window is extended to the number of minutes set in the Tolerance field. For example, if the Tolerance field is set to 15 minutes, the proceeding job can still be executed 0-15 minutes after the specified time. If the tolerance time interval has passed, the proceeding job will not be performed.

The TOLERANCE subparameter indicates the maximum number of minutes permitted for a late submission when selecting a specific time. The tolerance permitted in the example is 11 minutes. Therefore the jobs can be submitted as late as 10:11 and 11:11 a.m.

Job run times can be defined with days offset. The value in the field represents the number of days in the future, relative to the actual order date. For example, if the specified times were:

1300, 1500, 1400+1, 1700+2,

then 13:00 and 15:00 would be submitted at those times on the day of order, 14:00+1 would be submitted at 14:00 on the next order day and 17:00+2 would be submitted at 17:00 two days after the order day.

As in all Runtime Scheduling Parameters, the days are assumed as "Control-M working days". "Control-M working days" start at the time defined by the DAYTIMEM parameter in the CTMPARM member. This parameter also defines the relationship between the "Control-M working days" and the corresponding calendar days.

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters