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Jobs in the History Jobs file are easier to restore to the Active Jobs file, for example, for restart, than jobs archived to CDAM. Therefore, it may be desirable to retain several of the most current generations of the job in the History Jobs file.

# OF GENERATIONS TO KEEP enables specification of the number of generations of the job to keep in the History Jobs file. Once the specified number of generations has been reached, as a new generation is added to the History Jobs file, the earliest remaining generation is deleted.

# OF DAYS TO KEEP and # OF GENERATIONS TO KEEP are mutually exclusive. A value can be specified for either, but not both.

Note: When changing job criteria from retention-days to retention-generation, or vice versa, previous job criteria are lost and are not acted upon. For retention criteria to hold across job executions, the jobs must be identical in all respects. For example, if a job is transferred to a different group, it is treated as a different job for purposes of retention. In this case, retention values are reset, and retention is calculated from the moment of transfer.

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RETENTION: # OF GENERATIONS TO KEEP: Post–Processing Parameter