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Examples for RESOURCE


CPU 80


To eliminate bottlenecks and maximize throughput, a site can quantify processing power and assign it a resource name, such as CPU or LPU (logical processing units). The more powerful the CPU, the greater the maximum quantity that can be assigned to it.

The RESOURCE parameter is used to specify the quantity of a resource required by the job.

Before a job is submitted, Control-M verifies that the required quantities of resources, defined through RESOURCE statements, are available, that is, that they are not in use by another job:

Resource Allocation in Multi-CPU Environments

In multi-CPU environments, several resource allocation possibilities exist.

One possibility is to operate as if there is one large CPU and resource pool. In this case, no logical differentiation between CPUs is made, and the Control-M monitor assigns resources, including CPU processing power, from the total resources available.

Another possibility is to differentiate between CPUs and optionally to logically associate quantities of resources with specific CPUs.

This is generally achieved through the use of common identifiers, such as a suffix.

For example, suppose a site has three CPUs of differing processing capability. The following representative resources and quantities might be defined in the IOA Resources file:

CPU-A 50

CPU-B 75

CPU-C 100

In this example, it might also be desired to logically categorize other resources according to CPU. For example, if 12 tape drives are available, the following resources and quantities might also be defined in the IOA Resources file:




If this kind of differentiation is used, different resources in the job scheduling definition can be specified with different suffixes, and the job still runs. For example, a quantity of CPU-A can be specified along with a quantity of TAPE-B.

Rather than specifying a particular identifier when requesting a resource, resources can be requested generically by specifying a $ in place of the identifier, for example CPU-$ or TAPE-$. The $ indicates to Control-M that it must select a specific resource, that is, a resource with an identifier, to replace the generic resource, that is, the resource with the $.

Note: If you use the $ to request generic resources, the $ must appear at the end of the resource name.

If a $ is specified for all required resource identifiers, the Control-M monitor does not assign the resources unless it can assign all resources with the same identifier, for example, all resources with identifier A or all resources with identifier B.

When using the generic $ identifier, you can use one of the following methods to ensure a specific CPU is used for processing the job:

Control-M Exit CTMX004 can also be used to help prevent bottlenecks caused by resource contention.

For more information on Control-M exits CTMX002 and CTMX004, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


There are 12 tape drives in the data center connected to a single computer. Two tape drives must always remain free for emergencies. Therefore, only 10 drives can be used for production. The defined available quantity is set as follows: TAPE 0010.

Any user (job) wanting to use tape drives must specify the number of tapes required in the job parameters.

Figure 287 RESOURCE Parameter – Example 1A


COMMAND ===>                                                SCROLL===> CRSR


  SCHENV                        SYSTEM ID                  NJE NODE        

  SET VAR                                                                  

  CTB STEP AT         NAME            TYPE                                 

  DOCMEM  EBDINPUT    DOCLIB   CTM.PROD.DOC                                


  DAYS                                                         DCAL        


  WDAYS                                                        WCAL        

  MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12-Y    


  CONFCAL          SHIFT       RETRO Y MAXWAIT 04  D-CAT                  

  MINIMUM          PDS                                                     

  DEFINITION ACTIVE FROM          UNTIL                                    




  RESOURCE TAPE               0002                                    

  PIPE     CTM.PROD.PIPE                                                   

  FROM TIME         +     DAYS    UNTIL TIME      +     DAYS               

  DUE OUT TIME      +     DAYS    PRIORITY     SAC    CONFIRM              

COMMANDS: EDIT, DOC, PLAN, JOBSTAT                                11.17.00

Control-M checks if there are two tape drives available. If there are, the tape drives are "given" to the job. The total number of free tapes is now eight. When the job finishes executing, the tape drives are returned to the general pool.

Suppose that many jobs are using tapes, and the available quantity is only one. A job that requires two tape drives must wait. The job is not submitted until the required number of tapes are available.

An authorized person decides that only one tape unit is needed for emergencies and adds one tape unit to the global quantity available for use. Now the maximum number of tape drives is eleven, and the number of available tape drives is two. The job is submitted.


The data center discussed in the previous example is expanding. It now has two computers and 20 tape drives. The tape drive distribution is:

Currently, CPU1 is connected to four transferable drives, one transferable drive is connected to CPU2, and one transferable drive is out of order. The situation is presented to Control-M as follows:

TAPE1 12

TAPE2  7

A job requests three tape drives, on any computer.

Figure 288 RESOURCE Parameter – Example 1B


COMMAND ===>                                               SCROLL===> CRSR


  SCHENV                         SYSTEM ID                 NJE NODE       

  SET VAR                                                                 

  CTB STEP AT         NAME            TYPE                                

  DOCMEM  EBDINPUT    DOCLIB   CTM.PROD.DOC                               


  DAYS                                                        DCAL        


  WDAYS                                                       WCAL        

  MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12-Y   


  CONFCAL          SHIFT       RETRO Y MAXWAIT 04  D-CAT                  

  MINIMUM          PDS                                                    

  DEFINITION ACTIVE FROM          UNTIL                                   




  RESOURCE TAPE$              0003                              

  PIPE     CTM.PROD.PIPE                                                  

  FROM TIME         +     DAYS    UNTIL TIME      +     DAYS              

  DUE OUT TIME      +     DAYS    PRIORITY     SAC    CONFIRM             

COMMANDS: EDIT, DOC, PLAN, JOBSTAT                               11.17.00

The result is that the available quantity of either TAPE1 or TAPE2 is reduced by three.

The Control-M scheduling algorithm makes the optimal decision as to which of the two computers to send the job. It is possible to intervene in this selection process. For more information, see user Exit CTMX004 in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


A job requests three tape drives on CPU1.

Figure 289 RESOURCE Parameter – Example 1C


COMMAND ===>                                                SCROLL===> CRSR


  SCHENV                         SYSTEM ID                 NJE NODE        

  SET VAR                                                                  

  CTB STEP AT         NAME            TYPE                                 

  DOCMEM  EBDINPUT    DOCLIB   CTM.PROD.DOC                                


  DAYS                                                         DCAL        


  WDAYS                                                        WCAL        

  MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12-Y    


  CONFCAL          SHIFT       RETRO Y MAXWAIT 04  D-CAT                  

  MINIMUM          PDS                                                     

  DEFINITION ACTIVE FROM          UNTIL                                    




  RESOURCE TAPE1              0003                                

  PIPE     CTM.PROD.PIPE                                                   

  FROM TIME         +     DAYS    UNTIL TIME      +     DAYS               

  DUE OUT TIME      +     DAYS    PRIORITY     SAC    CONFIRM              

COMMANDS: EDIT, DOC, PLAN, JOBSTAT                                11.17.00

The result is that the available quantity of the resource TAPE1 is reduced by three.

The tape drive that was out of order has been fixed. An operator makes it available for use by jobs running on CPU2 by correcting the global available quantities to:


The shift manager decides to assign two tapes from CPU1 to CPU2. The new situation as seen by Control-M:

TAPE1 10

TAPE2 10

Parent Topic

RESOURCE: Runtime Scheduling Parameter