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§Restart§PREVENT-NCT2: General Job Parameter

Performs data set cleanup before the original job run.

Figure 279 §Restart§ PREVENT-NCT2 Parameter Format

Optional. PREVENT-NCT2 consists of the subparameters described in Table 207.

Table 207 §Restart§ PREVENT-NCT2 Subparameters




Whether, and how, to perform data set cleanup before the original run of the job. Optional. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Perform data set cleanup before the original job run; this value is not valid for started tasks
  • N (No) – Do not perform data set cleanup before the original job run
  • F (Flush) – Halt processing of the job if any data set cleanup error is detected, even if MVS would not have stopped processing the job
  • L (List) – Do not perform data set cleanup before the original job run; but generate the messages that would be required for GDG adjustment during restart


Protected field indicating the PREVENT-NCT2 default value for the site. The default is set in parameter NCAT2 in the CTRPARM member in the IOA PARM library. A value specified in the PREVENT-NCT2 parameter overrides the site default.

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Job Production Parameters