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General Information for PIPE

Pipes are storage buffers that are used to replace data sets. Pipes are defined in, and used by, MVBO/Job Optimizer Pipes to replace sequential processing with parallel processing.

For example, normally, that is, without pipes, if JOB1 writes to data set DS1 and then JOB2 reads data set DS1, JOB2 waits until JOB1 is terminated before reading the data set. However, if a pipe is used to replace data set DS1, then as JOB1 writes data to pipe DS1, JOB2 can use the data without waiting for termination of JOB1.

Each pipe and its relevant parameters are defined in a MBVO/Job Optimizer Pipes rule. Each pipe must be defined with the same name as the data set it is replacing.

When a job is to use a pipe instead of a data set, the name of the data set or pipe must be specified in the PIPE parameter of the Control-M job scheduling definition for the job.

For more information about Pipe processing, see Job-Related Considerations for Pipes.

Parent Topic

PIPE: General Job Parameter