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INTERVAL: Post–Processing Parameter

Minimum time to wait between automatic reruns or cyclic runs of a job.

A related topic, cyclic jobs, is discussed in TASKTYPE: General Job Parameter.

Figure 236 INTERVAL Parameter Format

Optional. INTERVAL consists of the subparameters described in Table 191.

Table 191 INTERVAL Subparameters




A number from 0 through 64800, depending on the value entered in the interval_type field, specifying the minimum time to wait between reruns or cyclic runs. Leading zeros are not required. Mandatory.

Default: 00000, indicating that there is no minimum time interval between runs.


A single character describing the type of data specified in the INTERVAL field. Valid values are:

  • D (Days) – Maximum INTERVAL value is 45
  • H (Hours) – Maximum INTERVAL value is 1080
  • M (Minutes) – Maximum INTERVAL value is 64800

Default: M (Minutes)


Determinant of when the time to wait between reruns or cyclic runs of a job begins. Valid values are:

  • STRT – Begin measuring the interval before the next cycle of the job from the actual start of the current job run.
  • END – Begin measuring the interval before the next cycle of the job from the end of the current job run. Default.
  • TRGT – Begin measuring the interval before the next cycle of the job from when the current job run is scheduled.

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters