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General Information for DO NOTOK

A DO NOTOK statement can change the status of a job step from OK to NOTOK. This results in the job having a final termination status of ENDED NOTOK.

When specified in a SMART Table Entity, a DO NOTOK statement changes the termination status of the SMART Table (not the status of jobs or job steps).

The following paragraphs describe the relationship of job step status and the final termination status of the job.

This logic suits most situations. Do not change it. However, there may be a situation in which Control-M assigned a step a status of OK, but the status ought to be changed to NOTOK. Such a situation is described in the following example. The job ended with a condition code of C0004, but in this particular situation, it is better that the step have a status of NOTOK and the entire job be assigned a status of ENDED NOTOK.

DO NOTOK cannot be specified for the same ON step and code event as DO OK.

When a DO NOTOK statement is performed for a step, the final status of the job is ENDED NOTOK, even if was previously set to ENDED OK.

Note: A DO NOTOK statement is ignored if it is specified in an ON PGMST +EVERY statement. However, for a method that avoids this limitation, see the example of forcing Control-M to end a job with a NOTOK status, when every step in the job is flushed, described in Step Name: +EVERY.

Parent Topic

DO NOTOK: Post–Processing Parameter