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General Information for DO FORCEJOB

The DO FORCEJOB statement schedules jobs under Control-M even if the jobs are not normally scheduled on the specified date (according to the Basic Scheduling parameters of the job). It is similar to the FORCE option in the Control-M Rule List screen or Table List screen.

If the DO FORCEJOB statement specifies a job name belonging to multiple jobs in the table, the first job in the table with that job name is forced.

Without the DO FORCEJOB statement, emergency jobs and jobs that run in special circumstances would require daily scheduling or manual forcing (from the Online facility). By defining appropriate ON criteria and DO FORCEJOB statements, emergency or other special jobs can be automatically forced when required without being previously scheduled.

The DO FORCEJOB statement causes the Control-M monitor to dynamically allocate the job scheduling library specified in the LIBRARY parameter using the DD name ONSPLT.

When forcing all jobs in a table, the UFLOW subparameter enables you to determine whether the jobs are run as a unique flow.

DO FORCEJOB request during RESTART

The FORCONCE parameter in the CTMPARM member of the IOA PARM library may be set to control the behavior of DO FORCEJOB requests during a Restart of a job.

If DO FORCEJOB statements are not to be executed during the RESTART of a job if they were already executed during the original run of the job or during a previous RESTART of the job, then the FORCONCE parameter should be set to Y.

If DO FORCEJOB statements are always to be executed during the RESTART of a job (when the ON PGMST condition is satisfied), then the FORCONCE parameter should be set to N.

Failure of a DO FORCEJOB request

When a DO FORCEJOB request fails because the table is in use, Control-M may try again to execute the job, depending on the values set for the FORCE#RT and FORCE#WI installation parameters. For more information on the FORCE#RT and FORCE#WI installation parameters, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Customizing.

When a DO FORCEJOB request fails because the table has been migrated, the action of Control-M depends on the value of the SCRECALL parameter in the CTMPARM member.

For more information on the SCRECALL parameter, see the customization chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Customizing.

Parent Topic

DO FORCEJOB: Post–Processing Parameter