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DO COND: Post–Processing Parameter

Specifies prerequisite conditions to be added or deleted if the accompanying ON step and code criteria are satisfied.

Note: DO COND and OUT statements are similar, but not identical. The differences are outlined in Differences between OUT and DO COND.

Figure 185 DO COND Parameter Format

Optional. Type COND in the DO field and press Enter.

A maximum of two prerequisite conditions can be specified in each standard DO COND line. One prerequisite condition can be specified in each long DO COND line. When you specify the second prerequisite condition in a standard DO COND line, or one prerequisite condition in a long DO COND line, and press Enter, a new DO COND line is opened for specifying additional prerequisite conditions. For more information, see Specifying Long DO COND Condition Names.

Each DO COND statement consists of the mandatory subparameters described in Table 178.

Table 178 DO COND Mandatory Subparameter Formats




User-supplied descriptive name of 1 through 39 characters, used to identify the condition.

Notes: A condition name must not begin with the symbols "|", "¬", or "\", and must not contain parentheses ( ), because each of these characters has a special meaning.

If you want to use the UFLOW (unique flow) feature, the condition name must not exceed 36 characters since the UFLOW feature concatenates a unique 3-character suffix to the name of any condition that connects jobs within the ordered table.

You can use an AutoEdit variable in a condition name, provided that the AutoEdit variable has a value that is known before the job is ordered.


4-character date reference. Valid values are:

  • date – A specific date, in either mmdd or ddmm format, depending on the site standard
  • ODAT – Resolves to the original scheduling date. Default.
  • +nnn – Resolves at job order time to ODATE+nnn calendar days. nnn is three digits (000-999).
  • -nnn – Resolves at job order time to ODATE-nnn calendar days. nnn is three digits (000-999).

Note: +001 and -001 are not necessarily the same as NEXT and PREV, because NEXT and PREV are based on job scheduling criteria, while +nnn and -nnn are based on calendar days.

  • PREV – Resolves to the previous date on which the job ought to have been scheduled, according to its basic scheduling criteria (or ODATE–1 for a forced job).
  • NEXT – Resolves to the next date on which the job is scheduled, according to its basic scheduling criteria (or ODATE+1, for a forced job.)
  • STAT – Static. Indicates that the condition (such as IMS-ACTIVE) is not date-dependent.

Note: Before STAT was introduced, date 0101 was recommended to be used in conditions that were not date-dependent. Unlike 0101, STAT is not a date, and it operates differently. Always use STAT when defining conditions that are not date-dependent.

  • **** – Any scheduling date. Valid only with opt set to - (Minus)
  • $$$$ – Any scheduling date.   Valid only with opt set to - (Minus)

Note: If a date reference is not specified, the value ODAT is automatically inserted upon pressing Enter.


Indicates whether to add or delete the specified prerequisite condition. Valid values are:

  • + (Plus) – Add (create) the prerequisite condition
  • - (Minus) – Delete the prerequisite condition

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters