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CONTROL: Runtime Scheduling Parameter

Ensures exclusive or shared control over runtime resources.

Figure 159 CONTROL Parameter Format

Optional. A maximum of two resources can be specified in each CONTROL line. Upon specifying the second resource in a CONTROL line and pressing Enter, a new line is opened (for specifying additional resources).

Each CONTROL specification consists of the mandatory subparameters described in Table 169 and may include the optional subparameter described in Table 170.

Table 169 Mandatory CONTROL Subparameters




User-supplied, descriptive name of 1 through 20 characters used to identify the resource.


Type of control the job requires of the resource. Valid values are:

  • E – The job requires exclusive control of the resource during processing.
  • S – The job requires shared control of the resource during processing.

Note: Do not specify the same Control resource in both Exclusive (E) and Shared (S) states in the same job scheduling definition or SMART Table Entity, or the job or table cannot run. In addition, if the resource is in Exclusive state in the SMART Table Entity, it must not be specified in any of the jobs belonging to the SMART Table; if the resource is in Shared state in the SMART Table, it must not be in Exclusive state in any of the jobs belonging to the SMART Table.

Table 170 Optional CONTROL Subparameter




Whether to keep the Control resource allocated to the job if the job does not end OK. Valid values are:

  • '   ' (blank) – The resource is not kept allocated to the job. Default.
  • K – The resource is kept allocated to the job until one of the following events occurs:

— the job is rerun and ends OK

— the job is deleted

— the job is FORCEd OK



If the job ends NOTOK, the job continues to hold this exclusive resource.

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters