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CONFCAL: Basic Scheduling Parameter

Specifies the name of a calendar that is used to confirm the scheduling of the job.

Related parameters are DAYS: Basic Scheduling Parameter, WDAYS: Basic Scheduling Parameter, and DATES: Basic Scheduling Parameter.

Figure 155 CONFCAL Parameter Format

Optional. CONFCAL subparameters are described in Table 167.

Table 167 Optional CONFCAL Subparameters




A valid 1 through 8 character calendar (member) name. This calendar is used for:

  • validating scheduling dates
  • determining the scheduled work day

Jobs to be scheduled on a day, based on other specified Basic Scheduling criteria, are checked against the CONFCAL calendar, as follows:

  • If the day is a working day in the CONFCAL calendar, the job is tentatively scheduled on that day. This day is referred to as the original scheduling date. Actual scheduling of the job is then determined by the value entered in the SHIFT subparameter (described in this table).
  • If the day is not a working day in the CONFCAL calendar, the SHIFT subparameter is checked. Depending on the SHIFT value, the job may be scheduled on an earlier or later day, may be scheduled on that day, or may be cancelled.


Determines when and if the job must be scheduled. Optional.

The format of the SHIFT subparameter is xyyy, where

  • x indicates how to shift scheduling of the job if the original scheduling day of the job is not a working day in the CONFCAL calendar. Valid values are:

    — '  ' (Blank) – No shifting occurs. The job is not scheduled. Default.

    > – Job scheduling is shifted to the next working day in the CONFCAL calendar. Additional shifting may be performed, depending on the yyy value, described below.

    — '< – Job scheduling is shifted to the previous working day in the CONFCAL calendar. Additional shifting may or may not be performed, depending on the yyy value, described below.

    @ – Tentatively schedule the job for the current day, even if the current day is not a working day. Additional shifting may or may not be performed, depending on the yyy value, described below.

  • yyy shifts scheduling of the job forward or backward the specified number of working days, as defined in the CONFCAL calendar. Valid values are:

    — '  ' (Blank) – Do not shift job scheduling any additional time. Default.

    +nn – Shift job scheduling forward to next nth working day, where n can be as many as 62 working days in the future.

    -nn – Shift job scheduling backward to the previous nth working day, where n can be as many as 62 working days in the past.

yyy does not cause 'negative' scheduling days (-n, -Dn, -Ln, etc.) to be shifted.

Note: For more information on the use of the SHIFT subparameter, see "The SHIFT Subparameter" below.

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters