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Date Definition Concepts

INCONTROL recognizes the following types of date definitions. Depending on the INCONTROL product, either all of them, or some of them, are relevant. All these types are relevant for Control-M:

Table 9 Date Definition Types

Date Definition


System date

Date as supplied by the operating system. This date must be the actual calendar date starting and ending at midnight.

Working date

Many sites do not use midnight as the formal time for changing to a new date. A site, for example, may determine that all processing performed between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. "belongs to" the previous day. In this case, the installation working date at the site changes at 6:00 a.m., not at midnight.

The working date, that is, the time at which the date changes at the site, is defined in the Control-M installation parameters. New Day processing generally begins at the start of the new working date.

Original scheduling date

Job orders and prerequisite conditions managed by Control-M are assigned an original scheduling date, which is referred to as ODATE. For the full implications of using ODATE, see Ordering Scheduling Jobs. For details of the enhanced meaning of ODATE as of version 6.1.00, see Enhanced Definition of ODATE.

Date Definition Example 1

A computer is down for repairs on February 2nd and 3rd. When it is brought up on February 4th, a two-day backlog of jobs must be run in addition to the jobs of the current day.

When the New Day procedure scans tables on February 4th, it places job orders in the Active Jobs file for all three days. Jobs that ought to have run on February 2nd are assigned an ODATE of February 2nd, jobs for February 3rd are assigned an ODATE of February 3rd, and so on.

In this manner, each job is executed as if it had run on the working date on which it was originally scheduled.

Date Definition Example 2

ODATES are calculated according to the working date, and not the calendar date.

If you define a job to run on 5 December at 3 A.M., and the working day begins (and the New Day procedure operates) at 5 A.M., the job will not run until 3 A.M. on 6 December, because that is still part of the working day of 5 December.

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Control-M Concepts