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Handling External Events: CMEM Facility

External events are events in the system that occur outside the control of the Control-M monitor, such as the submission of a job. The Control-M Event Manager (CMEM) facility enables Control-M to respond to and handle such events.

Through rules defined online through the CMEM Rule Definition facility, which is described in in Online Facilities, the user specifies actions Control-M must perform in response to external events.

The following types of events are handled by the CMEM facility:

Table 6 Event Types Handled by CMEM



Job Arrival

Arrival of a job on the JES spool, from any source.

Job End

Completion of a job, regardless of its source.

Dataset Event

Either the setting of a data set disposition at deallocation time or the occurrence of a NOT CATLGD 2 event.


Termination of a procedure (and optionally, a program) step.

The following actions can be performed by the CMEM facility:

The CMEM facility, and On Spool jobs, are described in Control-M Event Manager (CMEM).

Parent Topic

Expanded Control-M Functionality