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MVS Job Restart Without Control-M/Restart

For sites in which Control-M/Restart is not installed, Control-M provides a mechanism for automatic implementation of MVS restarts in certain situations. The mechanism, however, requires definition before the original submission of the job. Therefore, it is only useful for jobs in which automatic restart is always desirable (when necessary).

Note: MVS restart is not recommended and must be used with caution. MVS restart does not perform automatic File catalog adjustment, GDG (Generation Dataset Group) adjustment, condition code recapture, abend code recapture, or data set scratching. Unless these functions are manually handled without error, the results of an MVS restart may be unpredictable or damaging.

The mechanism for automatic implementation of MVS restart is the definition of a special OUT condition in the job scheduling definition. The value of the condition is:

@#-    ODAT -


Note: §Restart§ Do not define this type of restart (that is, this OUT condition) if a Control-M/Restart restart is used for the job, or the results may be unpredictable.

This restart is implemented in the following situations if the Control-M monitor ended the job NOT OK (that is, a DO OK did not impact the final status):

When the special OUT condition is defined in the job scheduling definition and the job ends as described above, the Control-M monitor automatically appends the name of the failing step to the OUT condition of the job order. The OUT condition in the job order, that is, as seen in the Zoom screen, therefore appears as follows:


Before a job is submitted, the Control-M monitor checks the job order for an OUT condition beginning @#–. When the monitor detects condition @#-procstep.pgmstep, it automatically inserts an MVS step in the JCL of the job, so that the job begins from the indicated procstep.pgmstep.

For the job to be restarted from procstep.pgmstep, the job must be rerun. This can be the result of a rerun, manual or automatic, or the result of a cyclic job run.

The @#– procstep.pgmstep value appearing in the Zoom screen can be deleted, in which case restart is not performed, or changed to a different procstep.pgmstep, so that restart begins from a different step.

Even if a special OUT condition (name or prefix @#– ) is not defined in the job scheduling definition, an MVS restart can be implemented by specifying OUT condition @#– procstep.pgmstep (for the desired restart step) in the Zoom screen.

Note: It is also possible to specify OUT condition @#– procstep.pgmstep in the job scheduling definition, but this is not recommended. If @#– procstep.pgmstep is specified in the job scheduling definition, the job always begins at the specified step, never at the first step, even on the initial run.

When using MVS job restart, every step in the job must have a unique procstep.pgmstep name. Control-M does not check for duplicate stepnames.

The following is an example of a job set for Automatic Restart, using Control-M only, in case of abend.

Note: §Restart§ Do not use this type of restart when Control-M/Restart restart is used for the job, or results may be unpredictable.

Figure 406 Example - Automatic Restart - Control-M Only


COMMAND ===>                                          SCROLL===> CRSR


  MEMNAME EBDUPDT2     MEMLIB   GENERAL                               

  OWNER   SYS1         TASKTYPE JOB    PREVENT-NCT2   DFLT  N        

  APPL    EBD                          GROUP EBD-PRODUCTION           

  DESC    EBD PRODUCTION UPDATE OF DEPOSITS                          

  OVERLIB                                                   STAT CAL

  SCHENV                          SYSTEM ID                 NJE NODE

  SET VAR                                                           

  CTB STEP AT         NAME            TYPE                           

  DOCMEM  EBDUPDT2    DOCLIB   CTM.PROD.DOC                         


  DAYS                                                     DCAL      


WDAYS   2,3,4,5,6                                             WCAL  

MONTHS 1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y


  CONFCAL          SHIFT       RETRO Y MAXWAIT 08  D-CAT             

  MINIMUM          PDS                                               

  DEFINITION ACTIVE FROM          UNTIL                              


  IN       DEPOSITS             PREV                                 




  FROM TIME         +     DAYS    UNTIL TIME      +     DAYS  


  TIME ZONE:                                                 


  OUT      DEPOSITS             ODAT +    @#              ODAT -     

COMMANDS: EDIT, DOC, PLAN, JOBSTAT                           11.17.00