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z/OS-Oriented Implementation

Control-M for z/OS fully supports the USS environment without any need for modifications.

Control-M for z/OS manages all USS batch processes and integrates them with batch activities on

For Control-M to submit and control all USS executions, all that is required is the definition of a single JCL member. This member contains a USS shell activation program that is supported by the z/OS operating system. AutoEdit variables are used to define all elements of the USS task, such as the name of the script, the script parameters, the job name and the script location. When Control-M submits the JCL, all the AutoEdit values are resolved and the JCL is submitted with its corresponding values. The JCL then submits the appropriate script under USS. Control-M reads the return code of the script execution from the JCL sysout, and proceeds accordingly.

A sample JCL member is shown in Figure 388.

Figure 388 JCL for USS Execution

//jobname JOB (account_info),REGION=5000K                              

//STEPNAME EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH                                           

//       PARM='sh /u/usr_id/%%MYSCRPT'                                 


//         PATHMODE=SIRWXU                                            


//         PATHMODE=SIRWXU                                            

In the Control-M job definition that submits the JCL, use the SET VAR parameter to assign a value to the %%MYSCRPT AutoEdit variable, as follows:

SET VAR %%MYSCRIPT=uss_script_name

Parent Topic

Control-M for z/OS Unix System Services (USS)