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The Status Reply DSECT (CTMBJSE)

The DSECT that formats reply area entries is CTMBJSE. Each entry is 240 bytes long. For REXX parsing, fields in this DSECT are separated by a blank.

You must always allocate an area of 12,000 bytes and code its address in the BAPIRPLS field.

The search criteria can fit multiple jobs on the AJF, up to a maximum of 50 jobs. For example, if you want to process 25 jobs, prepare an area of 12,000 bytes and code its address in the BAPIRPLS field. After returning from the API, the area will contain the details of the 25 jobs. Each job line is detailed in the CTMBJSE DSECT and contains relevant information about the located job.

The number of lines is returned in the BAPIRPL# field. When this field points to the maximum, 50, it is possible that there are more lines that can be returned. In that case, the value of the Utility Return Code field BAPIURC will be 4, and the Reason Code field BAPIRSN will have the value "BAPI_HAVE_MORE_LINES." In such a case, the user program can set bit BAPISPF8 in byte BAPISF1 and call CTMAPI again. This call will retrieve the next 50 lines of output that match the search criteria. When multiple lines are returned, the lines are in the order from the end (the most recent job) to the beginning. There is an option for the calling program to receive only one line of output, by specifying as the value in the BAPISF1 flag byte either BAPIS1ST (first line) or BAPISLST (last line).

Except for field JSESTAT, the meanings of the fields are as described (internally) in the macro CTMBJSE, which is in the IOA MAC library. The JSESTAT field returns the status of the job in the AJF. The CTMAPI status function does not return all the statuses detailed in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide. A list of the statuses that can be returned appears in Table 288.

Table 288 Statuses Returnable under the Status Function




The job was deleted.


The job ended.


The job ended NOTOK because of an abend.


The job ended NOTOK because of the Condition Code of the job.


The job ended NOTOK. It disappeared.


The job ended NOTOK because of a JCL error.


The job ended NOTOK. It was not submitted by JES.


The job ended NOTOK for an unknown reason.


The job ended OK.


The job was ForcedOK.


Job is executing.


Relevant only to SMART Table Entities. Several of the jobs in the group are still executing, but at least one of them has ended NOTOK.


The job was submitted to JES, but is not yet processing.


The job is being executed at a remote NJE node.


Wait submission. The job was selected, but it is still waiting for Control-M to submit it to JES.


The job was not deleted.


Wait for confirmation.


The ordering of a group is not yet complete. The group is still in the order process.


Waiting for all members of the pipe to be ready for submission.


Wait Schedule.


Wait for Time Limit.


The job exists on the Active Jobs file.


The job did not end.


The job does not exist on the Active Jobs file.

Parent Topic

Status Extension