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1. Order or Force Existing Jobs

The Order function can be used to order or force an existing table, or selected jobs from an existing table, to Control-M.

This service can be called from any environment, with few differences between environments. The syntax for this service is as follows:

ORDER {DSN=schedlib|[DDNAME|DD]=dd} {MEMBER|MEM=table}

[GROUP=group|TBL=group] [JOB=jobnm] [ODATE|DATE=date] [ODATEOPT=VAL|RUN]

[FORCE] [INTOTBL=table_rba [DUP|NODUP]] [WTO=N|Y] [SETVAR=%%xxx=yyyy]

[UFLOW] [SELRBC=rbc]… [IGNRBC=rbc]… [IF if_statement]…

Note: In this syntax, NODUP is the default in the expression INTOTBL=table_rba [DUP|NODUP].

Any number of SETVAR statements can be specified in one ORDER statement. The %% string is mandatory. The equal sign between the SETVAR name and the SETVAR value must be contiguous.

The UFLOW parameter, which specifies that a unique job flow is ordered or forced, is only available when ordering or forcing a table.

For a full description of each parameter, see the description of the CTMJOB utility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide. The only change from the utility is the syntax of the Ignore or Select RBCs and the SETVAR statements. In CTMJOB, the Ignore and Select RBCs are coded separately from the Order statement. Under CTMAPI, they should be coded as part of the Order statement, substituting SELRBC for the keyword SELECT and IGNRBC for the keyword IGNORE. The SETVAR statement can only be specified via CTMAPI. Any job scheduling definition ordered as a result of the Order statement is treated as if it contains the SETVAR statement.

The selection_criteria and if_statement parts of the command are described under Conditional Requests and Selection Criteria.

Specifying WTO=N causes suppression of writing messages to the console.

Parent Topic

The Control-M Application Program Interface (CTMAPI)