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Job Ordering Through Quick Submit Command CTMQSB

In many instances, the contents of the job are determined by an end user before submission. For example, a user may maintain a member that contains the JCL and parameters of a certain report. When someone requests the report, the user edits the member, possibly using ISPF, changes the parameters of the report, and uses the ISPF SUBMIT command to submit the job.

As described in the previous paragraphs, Control-M can detect such jobs when they appear on spool, and control their execution. However, there are a few disadvantages to this method. The primary disadvantage is in handling job abends. When an On Spool job abends, it is not clear which JCL member must be submitted to perform a rerun. For example, in the above example, if the JCL has not been saved, such as where the user exited ISPF EDIT using the CANCEL command, there is no original member from which to perform the rerun.

This problem can be overcome using Control-M command CTMQSB. When submitting a job, use command CTMQSB instead of the regular ISPF SUBMIT command. Just type it in the command line and press Enter. You may have to prefix it by the % character to designate a CLIST.

It is possible to replace the ISPF SUBMIT command with the Control-M CTMQSB command. For more information, see the description of installing ISPF support in the Control-M Installation Procedure in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

If the member contains JCL cards that start with //*CONTROLM then special processing takes place, that is, the member is not submitted. The Control-M submit command looks for two //*CONTROLM cards with the following format (order and position in the job are not important):

//*CONTROLM TABLE scheduling-tables-library table-name


The current JCL member is written to the specified JCL library. The name of the member is composed of the first three letters of the TSO user ID, and the Control-M order ID (5 characters). This method ensures that the name is unique.

The table is read from the specified library. The submit command assumes that the table contains only one job scheduling definition. If the table contains definitions for more than one job, only the first job scheduling definition is taken into account; the remainder are ignored. The CTMQSB Control-M command replaces the original library and member names with the names of the JCL library and member where the job has been stored, as described in the preceding section. If the WM1822 optional wish is applied, the user ID (OWNER) of the job is replaced by the TSO user ID. The WM1822 optional wish is in the IOADFLT member in the IOA IOAENV library.

To avoid accumulation of old members, it is advisable that a new, empty JCL library be used each day.

Control-M job order security exit CTMX001 is invoked (as under CTMJOBRQ). If the job order is valid, it is placed on the Control-M Active Jobs file. The job is then submitted based on the regular job scheduling criteria, such as IN, CONTROL, TIME.

Tables that are referred to by //*CONTROLM statements must not be included in a batch User Daily or in New Day processing. They must contain a skeleton of a job order, such as reports that require IMS to be up, reports that use substantial IDMS resources, update to certain VSAM files, and so on.

It is possible to force the use of the Control-M submit facility. When the Control-M CTMQSB command is activated, the contents of the member to be submitted are passed to Control-M User Exit CTMX010. This exit can automatically add //*CONTROLM cards to the submitted member. Use of this technique results in a completely scheduled environment. All submitted jobs are under Control-M control.


Each member processed using the command CTMQSB must contain only one job. If one of these members contains more than one job, all the jobs are submitted; however, a message is produced for only the last job. If the job is ordered, Control-M submits all the jobs in the member, but controls only the first job.

Control-D users: The D-CAT field of the table is ignored for jobs that are scheduled using the Control-M CTMQSB command. This means that a report decollating mission is not automatically ordered for jobs that are scheduled by the CTMQSB command.

If CTMQSB is being used to order jobs and not simply for quick submission, then the AJF must be allocated (via DDname DACKPT) in the TSO environment or from within the CTMSETSB Clist. For more information, see the section about installing ISPF support in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Parent Topic

Job Ordering Methods