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Pool Variables

A pool is a collection of variables that can be referenced by name, from any job that is currently active. A variable in a pool is referred to by a %%\\ prefix, followed by the name of the pool, a single backslash (\), and the name of the variable. For example, %%\\POOL\VAR. The "\" is not a valid character for either a pool or a variable name.

The name of a pool can either be a constant or a %%variable, which is resolved at order time. Variables in a pool are resolved during the assignment of the value to the variable.

Using the capabilities of setting variable values at order time and using local variables for the pool names allows the user to pass pre-defined pool names to the jobs at order time (for example, setting %%mypool=MYPOOL and then in the job using %%\\%%mypool\cnt=17), or to set values of variables in a pool to be used by the ordered jobs (for example, %%\\MYPOOL\cnt=17).

The pool variables, in the %%\\poolname\value format, can be used in JCL statements and they will be resolved at submission.

Parent Topic

User-Defined Variables