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DO SHOUT (CMEM): Action Parameter

Send ("shout") a message to a specific destination. Available only if Control-O is active.

Figure 350 DO SHOUT (CMEM) Parameter Format

Optional. Type SHOUT in the DO field and press Enter. The following subparameters are displayed:

Table 236 DO SHOUT (CMEM) Subparameters




Destination of the message (1 through 16 characters). Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • U-userid or USERID-userid – Writes the message to the IOA Log file under the specified user ID. userid must be 1 through 8 characters.
  • OPER [dd] [-{rrr | -ccc}] – Sends the message to operator consoles, according to the optional subparameters dd, rrr, and ccc

    dd    – Descriptor code (from 0 through 16). For more detailed information regarding descriptor codes, refer to the IBM publication Routing and Descriptor Codes, GC38-1102.

    rrr    – Route code (from 0 through 128). For more detailed information regarding route codes, refer to the IBM publication Routing and Descriptor Codes, GC38-1102. Route code and console ID are mutually exclusive.

    — -ccc – Console ID number (preceded by a hyphen) of the console to which the message is to be shouted. Console ID and route code are mutually exclusive.


TSO - loginid [;Nn | ;Mm | ;NnMm | ;Lname] – Sends the message to the user identified by the specified logon ID. logonid is mandatory (1 through 7 characters).
An optional second value, indicating the computer and/or node (such as Nn) of the TSO logonid, can be entered, as follows:
Under JES2:
Valid values are: Mm, Nn or NnMm, where:

  • m is the machine ID (the computer in JES2, not the 4-character SMF ID). For more information, see the description of specifying IOA CPU in the discussion of the customization process in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.
  • n is the 1 or 2 character JES/NJE node ID.

Under JES3:
The only valid value is Lname, where name is the logical JES name of the machine (that is, the name as used in JES3, command *T, not the SMF system ID).

For more information, see the description of specifying IOA CPU in the discussion of the customization process in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Note: A shout to a TSO user performs a TSO SEND command that may require authorization at the receiving node.

  • U-M: mail-name-prefix – Sends a message by mail to the recipient identified by mail-name-prefix (1 through 12 characters).
  • U-ECS – Sends messages to the Control-M/Enterprise Manager user. For more information on this feature, see the section on shouting to Control-M/Enterprise Manager in Job Production Parameters.


Determines the priority level of the message. For more information, see "The URGENCY subparameter" in General Information for DO SHOUT (CMEM). Valid values are:

  • R - Regular. Default.
  • U - Urgent.
  • V - Very urgent.


Name of the system (computer) where the message must be directed. A name of one to eight alphanumeric characters can be entered. Mask characters (* and ?) are supported for this subparameter.

Note: If no SYSTEM value is specified, the message is sent to the system identified by reserved user-defined variable %%$COMMSYS in a preceding DO SET statement. For a description of %%$COMMSYS, see the Control-O User Guide.

If %%$COMMSYS is not specified, the message is issued on the current system.

Can be used only when Control-O is installed.


Indicates if the message ID is prefixed by CTO282I. Optional. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – The message ID is prefixed by CTO282I. Default.
  • N (No) – The message ID is the first word of the message text.


Message text. Maximum Length: 60 characters. Mandatory.

Parent Topic

Control-M Event Manager (CMEM)