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General Information for DO FORCEJOB (CMEM)

DO FORCEJOB places a job order in the Control-M Active Jobs file, even if the basic scheduling criteria of the job are not satisfied. For more information, see Job Ordering and Job Forcing.

The DO FORCEJOB statement in CMEM enables Control-M to order Control-M tables based on the occurrence of an event, for example, job arrival, job end, data set event, or step event.

When forcing all jobs in a table, the UFLOW subparameter enables you to determine whether the jobs are run as a unique flow.

The DO FORCEJOB statement is executed by the Control-M monitor.

If the Control-M monitor is not active, the DO FORCEJOB request is queued and performed when the Control-M monitor becomes active.

DO FORCEJOB logic works differently for job arrival events than for job end, data set or step events:

Job End Events

DO FORCEJOB statements specified in a job end event rule are performed only if the terminating job is not under Control-M.

Data set or Step Events

Data set or step event rules are performed regardless of where the job was submitted. However, if the triggering job was ordered or submitted by Control-M, the job will not become an On Spool job. For more information about On Spool jobs, see On Spool Jobs.

Job Arrival Events

For the first DO FORCEJOB statement in a rule:  

For other DO FORCEJOB statements in the same rule:

DO FORCEJOB is not executed if a preceding ON JOBARRIV rule with a DO FORCEJOB action was already executed for this event.

Note: When a DO FORCEJOB request fails because the table is in use, Control-M may try again to execute the job, depending on the values set for the FORCE#RT and FORCE#WI installation parameters. For more information on the FORCE#RT and FORCE#WI installation parameters, see the customization chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Parent Topic

DO FORCEJOB (CMEM): Action Parameter