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Types of Events Managed by CMEM

The CMEM facility handles the following events. These can be specified in ON statements in the rule:

Table 227 Events handled by CMEM




Data set disposition, such as cataloged, deleted or kept, during step termination or dynamic decollation, or the occurrence of a NOT CATLGD 2 event, when a data set name is created in a job step but not cataloged because its name already exists in the MVS catalog. Specified in an ON DSNEVENT statement in the rule.


Arrival of a job on the JES spool from any source.

Examples are:

  • jobs submitted by a TSO user or by CICS
  • jobs received over an NJE network

Specified in an ON JOBARRIV statement in the rule.


Completion of a job regardless of its source. Specified in an ON JOBEND statement in the rule.


Termination of a job step. Specified in an ON STEP statement in the rule.

Parent Topic

Overview of CMEM