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CTTVTM Parameters

Utility parameters are supplied using the SYSIN DD statement.

Table 399 CTTVTM SYSIN parameters





Used to specify both the parameters that affect the general functioning of the utility, and the execution mode of the utility. Mandatory.

Only one TYPERUN statement can be specified for each run of this utility.

Valid subparameters are:

  • MODE — Operation mode. Mandatory.
  • NORMAL — Normal operation is performed.

    - SIMULATION — Simulation is performed. No actual changes are made to the Media database.

    - DATE — Operation date in 6- or 8-character format according to site standard with separating slashes. (For example, the date in MDY format can be specified mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy). Optional.
    The utility assumes that the specified date is the current date and performs vaulting accordingly. This parameter can be used together with parameter MODE set to SIMULATION (described above) to simulate vaulting to be done on a specific date in the future.

  • TRACE — Specifies whether the Trace file is used during the CTTVTM run. Optional.

    - YES — The Trace file is used. Default.

    - NO — The Trace file is not used. If NO is specified, recovery of the lost updates to the Media database is impossible. TRACE is set to NO for the run of this utility during conversion from another product, but is not otherwise recommended.

  • RESTART — Specifies whether to enable Automatic Restart mode when the utility is run after an abend or cancellation of the previous run of the utility. Optional. Valid values are:

    - YES — Enable Automatic Restart mode. Default.

    - NO — Disable Automatic Restart mode. It is highly recommended not to set RESTART to NO, as this can result in integrity errors in the Media database and loss of important information.

  • BOXLIM — Minimum number of volumes a box can contain. If the number of volumes is below the minimum, the volumes are placed in a slot instead of a box. Optional. Default:1.


Vault management type. Optional if parameter REPORT is specified. If CTTVTM run without a TYPEVLT statement, vaulting is not performed, but instead reports are produced based on the data left in the REPDATA file from the previous CTTVTM run.

  • MODE — Vault management mode. Valid values are:

    - REGULAR — Vault management is performed according to the vault patterns currently specified for the volumes (in Media database volume records).

    - RECALC — Rule definitions are reloaded and the vault pattern of each volume is recalculated.

    - CONVERT — This parameter is used following conversion from another tape management system. Rule definitions are reloaded, the vault pattern for each volume is calculated and the current location of each volume is reserved within the vault pattern.

Note: Basic Scheduling parameters are checked when rules are loaded, and not when data sets are created or retention information is updated. Therefore, when running the CTTVTM utility in RECALC or CONVERT mode, the rules applied may differ from the rules normally applied at data set creation. For more information, see the discussion of basic scheduling parameters in the rule parameters chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide.

- SLOTBLD — The slot map is built in the Media database. This mode cannot be specified if RESLOT is set to YES. You cannot specify INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statements when running CTTVTM in this mode.

- BOXBLD — Box records are built in the Media database from the vault definition and volume records. This mode cannot be specified if RESLOT is set to YES. You cannot specify this mode when running CTTVTM for SIMULATION.

  • RESLOT — Specifies whether to reassign slot numbers to vaulted volumes. Optional. Valid values are:

    - Yes — New slot numbers are assigned.

    - No — Existing slot numbers are preserved. Default.


The scope of the utility can be limited by one or more INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements are specified immediately after the TYPEVLT parameter and are applied to vault processing. The subparameters that can be specified in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements are listed in the appendix to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide that discusses logical field names for the Control-M/Tape Repository.

For additional information on INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM).

Note: With few exceptions, the parameters and options of the REPORT, FIELDS, SORTBY, ATTR and BREAK statements are identical to those found in the CTTRPT utility. For a complete description of these parameters and options, see CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.


Activates report utility. Optional if the TYPEVLT parameter is specified.

  • NAME — Report name. Mandatory. Valid value is:

    - DISTRIB — Distribution Report listing volumes that need to change location as a result of this utility run.

Note: Inventory report INVENT is no longer produced by the CTTVTM utility. Instead, this report can be produced as part of the GENERAL report by the CTTRPT utility. A sample Inventory report can be found in member REPINV in the Control-M/Tape JCL library.
For a description of the other parameters and options of the REPORT statement, see the REPORT statement in CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.


Fields to print in the report. The fields are printed in the order they are specified.

The following fields can be printed on the Distribution report:

  • MEDIA — Media type.
  • POOL — Pool name.
  • VOLSTAT — Status(es) of the volume.
  • VOLSER — Volume serial number.
  • SL-NAME — Standard label name of the volume.
  • VOLCNT — Number of volumes in a multi-volume chain.
  • FIRSTVOL — First volser in a multi-volume chain.
  • FROMLOC — "From" vault location of the volume.
  • TOLOC — "To" vault location of the volume.
  • FROMSLOT — "From" slot number in the vault.
  • TOSLOT — "To" slot number in the vault.
  • NEXTLOC — Next location in the vault pattern.
  • NEXTLCDT — Date the volume is moved to the next location in the vault pattern.
  • BOXID — Name of the box in which the volume resides.
  • EXPDT — Expiration date.
  • LBLTYP — Label type.
  • DSNAME — Data set name.
  • VOLSEQ — Volume sequence number.
  • LOCSEQ — Sequence number of the location in the vault pattern.
  • CREJBN — Creating job’s name.
  • CREDT — Creation date.
  • CRETM — Creation time.

Note: For a description of the options of the FIELDS statement, see the FIELDS statement in CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.


Sort order of the output fields with the options that can be applied to each field. For more information, see the FIELDS parameter in this table. Optional.

Note: For a description of the parameters and options of the SORTBY statement, see the SORTBY statement in CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.


Override of default attributes defined for a field. For more information, see the FIELDS parameter in this table. Optional.

Note: For a description of the parameters of the ATTR statement, see the ATTR statement in CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.


Attributes of the summary header lines printed when a field break occurs. Optional.

Note: For a description of the parameters of the BREAK statement, see the BREAK statement in CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.

Parent Topic

CTTVTM – Perform vault management