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Input Parameters – SYSIN DD File (CTTTPI)

Note: Throughout the documentation, the term "specified volser" refers to the volume serial number specified in parameter SER. The term "mounted volume" refers to the physical volume (and its label, if one exists) that was mounted with the intent of writing a new volume label on it.

Table 393 CTTTPI SYSIN parameters




Used to specify both the parameters that affect the general functioning of the utility, and the execution mode of the utility. Optional.

Only one TYPERUN statement can be specified for each run of this utility.

Note: The statement is ignored for the TAPEMAP statement.

Valid subparameters are:

  • MODE — Controls the operation of the utility. Optional.
    Valid values are:

    - NORMAL — The utility creates labels on the media and performs other requested functions. Default.

    - SIMULATION — The utility only verifies that the specified target volume either does not appear in the Media database or it appears in the Media database in scratch status. The physical mounted volume, however, is not read and not initialized. When this mode is used, mounting the target volume is not required.

  • PROTECT — Controls the protection of the physical mounted volume. Optional. Valid values are:

    - ALL — Default. Protects all mounted volumes, as follows:

    * Mounted volumes that are active in the Media database are rejected without a prompt to the operator.

    * Mounted volumes that are not formatted are accepted without a prompt to the operator.

    * Mounted SL volumes that are not in the Media database result in a prompt to the operator.

    * NL volumes that contain data result in a prompt to the operator.

    * A mounted SL scratch volume whose volume serial number is the same as the specified target volser is accepted without a prompt to the operator (re-initializing the existing volume).

    * A mounted SL volume whose volume serial number exists in the Media database in scratch status but whose volume serial number is not the same as the specified target volser results in a prompt to the operator.



- MDB — Protects mounted volumes only if they are in the Media database. The mounted volume is protected in the same manner as in PROTECT=ALL, except that SL volumes that are not in the Media database are accepted without a prompt.

- NOREAD — Mounted volumes are not read or otherwise protected before writing a new label on them.

Note: Verification of the specified target volume serial number is still performed subject to other parameters.

- PROMPT — Mounted volumes are read and the operator is requested to approve the initialization of the mounted volume.

  • MDBUPDAT — Controls updates to the Media database record of the specified target volume. Optional. Used by functions INITT and TAPERAS only. Valid values are:

    - Y (Yes) — If the volume is already in the Media database, the information in its record is reset, including volume statistics and information regarding scratch data sets that have resided on the volume. Default.
    The value of the last job to access the volume is changed to *CTTTPI*. If the volume is not in the Media database and ADD is set to Y (Yes), the volume record is added to the Media database.

    - N (No) — No changes are made to the Media database as a result of the initialization or erase processes. If MDBUPDAT is set to N, parameter ADD is ignored.



  • ADD — Controls the handling of specified volume serial        numbers that are not in the Media database. Optional. Ignored if MDBUPDAT=N. Used by functions INITT and TAPERAS only. Valid values are:

    - N (No) — A volume record is not added to the Media     database. Default. When a volume record has to be added to the Media database, an error message is produced and the utility stops its process

    - Y (Yes) — A volume record is added to the Media database.

    - E (External) — A volume record is added to the Media    database and marked External.

    - P (Prompt) — The operator is prompted to decide whether to add a record to the Media database.


Initialization function. Controls initialization (or initialization simulation) of magnetic media volumes. Optional. If this control statement is used, at least one optional subparameter must be specified:

  • SER — Volume serial number to be initialized (up to six alphanumeric characters). Mandatory.
    This parameter is identical to the SER parameter in the IBM IEHINITT utility.

Note: A volume serial number specified with the command // EXEC CTTTPI,V=volser, or passed to the program using the expression PARM=‘CTTTPIV=volser’, overrides this value.

  • NUMBTAPE — Maximum number of tapes to be initialized. Optional.
    After the first specified volume is processed, the numeric suffix of the volume serial number (if one exists) is repeatedly incremented by one to generate additional serial numbers, until the number of tapes initialized equals the value of NUMBTAPE or until a volume is initialized with a volser whose suffix is all 9’s. NUMBTAPE must be an integer between 1 and 9999. The default is 1.
  • OWNER — Owner identification to be recorded on the volume label. Maximum: 10 alphanumeric characters. (This parameter is identical to the OWNER parameter in the IBM IEHINITT utility.) Optional.
  • LABTYPE — Type of label to create. Optional. (This parameter is identical to parameter LABTYPE in IBM IEHINITT utility.) If this parameter is omitted, an IBM standard label is created. Otherwise, the following value is valid:
    — AL–Create an ANSI standard label.
  • ACCESS — Protection character for ANSI standard label. This parameter is identical to the ACCESS parameter of the IBM IEHINITT utility. Optional.
  • DDNAME — DD name for the tape drive to be used by CTTTPI. The DD name must start with the characters CTTTPI. The default value is CTTTPITP. Optional.



  • MEDIA — Volume media name to be recorded in the Media database for volumes being added to the Media database as part of the initialization process. The media must be defined in member CTTPARM. If no value is specified, the media name is derived from the device type of the assigned tape drive (for example, MEDIA=3490). Optional.
  • VENDOR — Media vendor name to be recorded in the Media database for volumes being added to the Media database as part of the initialization process. Optional.
  • VERSION — When the LABTYPE parameter is set to AL, the VERSION parameter indicates whether the format will be Version 3 or Version 4. This parameter is identical to the VERSION parameter of the IBM IEHINITT utility. Optional.
  • ERASE — Indicates whether to erase all data on the tape from after the label until the physical end-of-tape. Valid values are:

    - Y (Yes) — Erase the data on the tape.

    - N (No) — Do not erase the data on the tape.

Note: Because the ERAS function physically writes a random pattern of data until the physical end of the tape, a run of the CTTTPI utility in which ERASE is set to Y (Yes) can be a time-consuming process.


Erase function. Controls erase (or erase simulation) of magnetic media volumes. Optional. These subparameters are available for this function:

  • SER — Volume serial number to be erased (up to six alphanumeric characters). Mandatory.

Note: A volume serial number can also be specified with the command // EXEC CTTTPI,V=volser, or it can be passed to the program using the expression PARM='CTTTPIV=volser', which overrides the volser in the EXEC statement. Both of these statements override the value specified with the SER parameter.

  • NUMBTAPE — Maximum number of tapes to be erased. Optional.
    After the first specified volume is processed, the numeric suffix of the volume serial number (if one exists) is repeatedly incremented by one to generate additional serial numbers, until the number of tapes erased equals the value of NUMBTAPE or until a volume is erased with a volser whose suffix is all 9’s. NUMBTAPE must be an integer between 1 and 9999. The default is 1.
  • DDNAME — DD name for the tape drive to be used by the CTTTPI utility. The DD name must start with the characters CTTTPI. The default value is CTTTPITP. Optional.
  • ERASELBL — Indicates whether to erase the label of the volume. Optional.

    - Y (Yes) — ERASE the label.

    - N (No) — Keep the label. Default.


Tape mapping function. Optional. If this parameter is used, at least one optional subparameter must be specified:

  • SER — The volume serial number to appear in the mount message. This volume serial number does not have to match the volume serial number recorded on the media. Optional.
  • DDNAME — The name of the DD statement identifying the tape drive to be used by CTTTPI. The DD name must start with CTTTPI. The default value is CTTTPITP. Optional.
  • NUMERR — The number of I/O errors (between 1 and 999) that cause the CTTTPI utility to terminate. Default:1. Optional.
  • STOP — Controls termination of the TAPEMAP function. Optional.

    - Y (Yes) — Default. The TAPEMAP function ends when one of the following occurs:

    * Logical End-of-Volume, which is indicated either by two consecutive tape marks, or by an End-of-Volume label followed by a tape mark

    * The maximum number of permitted I/O errors, specified by the NUMERR parameter, has occurred.

    - N (No) — Function TAPEMAP ends only when canceled by the operator or when it encounters an error it cannot ignore.

Note: Processing a volume with STOP set to N may cause unexpected operational problems, such as a tape running off a reel or unusual I/O errors. Set STOP to N only in a test environment where unexpected problems cannot disrupt production.

  • MODE — Controls both the extent of the report produced by the TAPEMAP function and the way in which this function reads the tape. Optional.

    - E (Extended) — Produces a report on all data sets that exist on the volume including data sets that exist after the logical end of data, as discussed in the TAPEMAP subparameter STOP. When operating in this mode, the CTTTPI utility physically reads every byte on the volume. This mode is therefore time-consuming.

    - S (Standard) — Produces a report on all data sets that exist on the volume up to the logical end of data. The utility scans the data sets on the volume, it does not physically read the data. This mode is therefore quicker than Extended mode. When MODE is set to S, the STOP subparameter is ignored and field LARGEST BLOCK produced by the CTTTPI utility is set to zero. Default.

Parent Topic

CTTTPI – Tape Initialization, Information Mapping, and Tape Erasure