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CTTSYNC Parameters

The following parameters are supplied using the SYSIN DD statement:

Table 389 CTTSYNC Parameters




Used to specify the execution mode of the utility. Mandatory.

Only one TYPERUN statement can be specified for each run of this utility. The MODE subparameter can be used to set the modes in which the CTTSYNC utility can be run. Optional.
Valid values are:

  • NORMAL — Checks are performed, appropriate messages are issued, and the Media database or automated tape library database is updated accordingly. Default.
  • SIMULATION — Checks are performed and messages are issued, but the Media database and automated tape library database are not updated. This mode can be used to determine the extent to which the automated tape library database and Media database are out-of-sync, without modifying either database.


Used to specify the parameters that affect the general functioning of the utility. Mandatory.

Only one TYPESYNC statement can be specified for each run of this utility.Valid subparameters are:

  • MODE—The external database to synchronized with. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    - ATLVTS—Synchronize the Media database with the automated tape libraries and virtual tape servers, as defined in the RBTTYPE parameter in the CTTPARM.

    - HSM—Synchronize the Media database with the DFSMShsm OCDS file.

  • UPDATE—The type of data to be synchronized. Mandatory. Valid values for MODE=ATLVTS are:

    - MDB—Check if volumes that are listed in the Media database are in the automated tape library. If necessary, update the status of the volume and its location in the Media database.

    - RDB—Check the status (meaning, ACTIVE or SCRATCH) of each volume in the Media database. Update the automated tape library database so that it indicates the same status.

    - BOTH—Perform both of the above-described operations.

  • Valid value for UPDATE when MODE=HSM is NONE. In such a case, the CTTSYNC utility checks if volumes that are listed in the Media database as controlled by DFSMShsm are in the DFSMShsm OCDS file. No updates are performed to the Media database or to the DFSMShsm OCDS file. Only error messages are reported to list the inconsistencies.


The volumes to be processed can be filtered by one or more INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statements. Valid values that can be specified in these statements are listed in the appendix that discusses logical field names for the Control-M/Tape Repository in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Only volume fields can be used. If no INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statements are specified for the CTTSYNC utility, all volumes in the Media database are processed.

For more information about INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM). Optional.

Parent Topic

CTTSYNC – Synchronize automated tape libraries with the Media database