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CTTSCA Parameters

The following parameters are supplied using the EXEC statement:

Table 376 CTTSCA EXEC Parameters




Library to contain Control-M/Tape rules that are created by the utility


Name of the member to contain the Control-M/Tape rules that are created by the utility

Note: Any previously assigned value of the RULEMEM parameter is overwritten when the CTTSCA utility is run.

The following control statements and parameters are supplied using DD statement SYSIN:

Table 377 CTTSCA SYSIN Parameters




Used to specify both the parameters that affect the general functioning of the utility, and the execution mode of the utility. Mandatory.

Only one TYPERUN statement can be specified for each run of this utility.

Valid subparameters are:

  • LEVEL — Level of contention to be detected. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    - JOB — Search only for pairs of data sets that are accessed   simultaneously by the same job.

    - ALL — Search for all pairs of data sets opened simultaneously regardless of whether they are accessed by the same job. This is the recommended value.

  • JOBPREF — Prefix for jobs whose SMF records are checked for contention problems. A prefix of one to eight characters can be specified. Optional.

    - If LEVEL is set to JOB, the utility searches for pairs of data sets that are accessed simultaneously by the same job (for jobs with the specified prefix).

    - If LEVEL is set to ALL, the utility searches for all data sets that are accessed by jobs with the specified prefix at the same time as other data sets accessed by jobs with the specified prefix. Default.

  • DURATION — Tolerated contention duration in minutes. Optional. Default: 5 minutes.
    Contention duration is the amount of time during which a pair of data sets was simultaneously accessed. For example, if data set DSA was accessed from 10:00 until 10:10 and data set DSB was accessed from 10:05 until 10:30, the duration of contention between these two data sets is five minutes.
    If the detected data set contention lasts for less than the specified duration, the contention is tolerated (meaning, no rule is created to prevent stacking these two data sets together).


Used to specify rule information parameters that affect the general functioning of the utility. Mandatory. Only one RULEINFO statement can be specified for each run of the CTTSCA utility.
The following parameters can be included in the RULEINFO statement:

  • CRERULE — Indicates whether Control-M/Tape rules are created by the utility. Mandatory.

    - Yes — Create two rules for each pair of data sets detected by the utility.
    For example, if data sets DSA and DSB are accessed at the same time, one rule is created to prevent DSA from being stacked with DSB. Another rule is created to prevent DSB from being stacked with DSA.

    - No — Do not create rules during this run of the CTTSCA utility.

  • RULEPREF — Prefix for rules created by the utility. The value of this parameter must be alphanumeric. Maximum length: 4 characters. Mandatory if CRERULE is set to YES.
  • CONTSEAR — Value to be inserted in the CONTINUE SEARCH field of Control-M/Tape rules created in this run of the utility. Optional.

    - Yes — Set the CONTINUE SEARCH field to Y (Yes). Default.

    - No — Set the CONTINUE SEARCH field to N (No).

  • MODE — Value to be inserted in the MODE field of Control-M/Tape rules created in this run of the utility. Optional.
  • PROD — Set the MODE field to PROD. Default.
  • TEST — Set the MODE field to TEST.
  • PRIORITY — Value to be inserted in the SEQUENCE PRIORITY field in Control-M/Tape rules created in this run of the utility. Optional.
    The value specified must be two alphanumeric characters. For more information about valid values for this parameter, see the rule parameters chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide.
    If no value is specified, the SEQUENCE PRIORITY field is blank in rules created by the utility.


SMF records that describe tape access are used as input for the CTTSCA utility. The SMF records to be processed by the utility can be filtered by one or more INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. For more information about INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM). Optional.

Values that can be specified in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements of the CTTSCA utility are listed in the appendix that discusses logical field names for the Control-M/Tape Repository in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

If no INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement is specified for the CTTSCA utility, all SMF records describing actions on tape data sets are processed by the utility.


Report to be generated by the utility. Mandatory.

The NAME parameter must be set to CONFLICT.

A contention detection report, produced by the utility, lists all detected pairs of data sets. The fields in this report are determined by the FIELDS statement (described below).


Fields that are printed in the report produced by the utility. Mandatory.

Fields are included in the report produced by the utility in the order in which they are specified in the FIELDS control statement. Valid field names:

  • CPUID1 – CPU ID of the first data set.
  • CPUID2 – CPU ID of the second data set.
  • DSNAME1 – First data set name.
  • DSNAME2 – Second data set name.
  • DURATION – The duration of the detected contention.
  • JOBNAME1 – Jobname of the first data set.
  • JOBNAME2 – Jobname of the second data set.
  • VOLUME1 – First volume of the first data set.
  • VOLUME2 – First volume of the second data set.
  • DATE1 – Date the first data set was opened.
  • DATE2 – Date the second data set was opened.
  • TIME1 – Time of day first data set was opened.
  • TIME2 – Time of day second data set was opened.
  • CRERULE1 – Indication whether a rule was generated to prevent the first data set from being stacked with the second data set.
  • CRERULE2 – Indication whether a rule was generated to prevent the second data set from being stacked with the first data set.
  • REASON1 – Reason for not creating a rule to prevent the first data set from being stacked with the second data set.
    Possible reasons:

    - USER REQ – The user set CRERULE to NO.

    - TOLERATED – The time during which the two data sets were both accessed was shorter than the time specified for parameter DURATION.

  • REASON2R – Reason for not creating a rule to prevent the second data set from being stacked with the first data set.
  • RULENAM1 – Name of the rule created to prevent the first data set from being stacked with the second data set.
  • RULENAM2 – Name of the rule created to prevent the second data set from being stacked with the first data set.


Order in which the report is sorted. Optional. Available fields are listed in under the FIELDS parameter in this table. The /B (or /BRK) option can be added as a suffix to any field to indicate that a page break is inserted in the report when the field changes its value.


Override of default attributes defined for a field. For more information, see the FIELDS parameter in this table. Optional.


Attributes of the summary header lines printed when a field break occurs. Optional.

Note: For a description of the options of these statements, see the FIELDS, SORTBY, ATTR, and BREAK statements in CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.

Parent Topic

CTTSCA – Data set Contention Detection