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CTTSBD – Perform Data Set Stacking in Batch Mode

The CTTSBD utility copies data sets residing on removable media. It supplements the Control-M/Tape Dynamic Dataset Stacking facility, which controls the placement of data sets at time of creation.

The CTTSBD utility enables you to copy existing data sets (input data sets) from one location to another. Output data sets (the new copies) can be new data sets with their own names and retention or they can replace input data sets by "taking over" relevant catalog entries and assuming certain attributes of the input data sets.

NOTE: If you are working in an SMS-managed environment, it is important to ensure that no DATACLASS ACS routines modify or set attributes of data sets created by the CTTSBD utility (for example, using keywords RECFM, LRECL or BLKSIZE).

The CTTSBD utility enables you to

Running the CTTSBD utility to stack multiple data sets is called Batch stacking. Batch stacking helps you

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Control-M/Tape Utilities