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Scratch Report

The CTTRTM utility can produce a Scratch report at the end of processing. The Scratch report contains a list of all volumes that have expired (become scratch) as a result of this utility run.

Note: Full Scratch report FULLSCR is no longer generated by utility CTTRTM. Instead, this report can be generated as part of the GENERAL report by utility CTTRPT. For more information, see CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.

Utility CTTRTM adds the following special pool names in the POOLNAME field of certain volume records in the Scratch report:

Table 362 CTTRTM Pool Names




External volumes not deleted from the Media database


External volumes deleted from the Media database


External volumes whose SL-NAME and VOLSER are different


Internal volumes whose SL-NAME and VOLSER are different

The special pool name is written over the previous name in field POOLNAME (if one existed).

Using utility CTTTPI, re-initialize scratched volumes with different SL-NAMEs and VOLSERs. Set the SL-NAME to the value of the VOLSER as listed in the EXT-DUP and DUPLICATE VOL pools.

Use parameters MAXDSNO and MAXVOLNO of utility CTTRTM to indicate a maximum number of data sets and/or volumes that can be scratched during a run of the utility. Before scratch is performed, the utility checks if the maximum specified (using one of these parameters) was exceeded.

If a specified maximum is exceeded, no changes are made to any data sets or volumes. An error message is issued and the utility stops execution.

Parent Topic

CTTRTM – Perform Retention Management