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CTTRLPT Parameters

Table 352 CTTRLPT Parameters




The information to be processed can be filtered by one or more INCLUDE EXCLUDE statements. Valid values that can be specified in these INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements are listed in the appendix that discusses logical field names for the Control-M/Tape Repository in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

If no INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statement is specified, a report is created for all records in the MDB Database. For more information about INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM). Optional.


The report to be produced by the utility. Mandatory.

  • NAME – Report name. Mandatory. Valid value is:

    - RULE – Rule Selection Report listing all requested information for the Control-M/Tape-controlled datasets.

  • FOLD – Indicates whether all report data is printed in uppercase. Valid values are:

    - YES – Print all report data in uppercase.

    - NO – Print report data in upper and lowercase. Default.

  • PAGESIZE – Maximum lines on a page, where p is a numeric value greater than 20. Optional. Default: 63.
  • LINESIZE – Maximum characters in a line, where s is a numeric value not greater than 255. Optional. Default: 127.
  • MARGINS=m-n – Lowest (m) and highest (n) columns in a line, where m is a numeric value greater than 0 and n is a numeric value greater than m but not greater than s (the value of LINESIZE). Optional. Defaults: m=1 and n=s.
  • SUMMARY=YES|NO – Indicates whether to show a summary line for each field break. Optional. Default: NO.
    A field break occurs when there is a change in value for a field that is specified in a SORTBY statement with option /BRK(or /B).
  • OUTDD – JCL DD name of the output. Default: REPOUT.


Fields to print in the report. The fields are printed in the order specified. Available values:

  • ALL – Special value indicated to print special report including full rules information and summary of rule usage.

Dataset and volume fields (ONoptions):

  • CREJBN – Name of the job that created the dataset.
  • DSNAME – Name of the dataset.
  • DSVOLSER – First volume in which dataset resides.
  • CREPGM – The name of the program, which creates the dataset.
  • CREUSER – The name of the user, who creates the dataset.
  • SMSMC – SMS management class.
  • MEDIA – Volume media type.
  • ACCOUNT – Account information for this dataset.
  • JCLEXPDT – JCL parameter JCLEXPDT for this dataset.

DO options:

  • DOSTACK – DO STACK condition for this dataset
  • DOPOOL – DO POOL condition for this dataset
  • DOVAULT – DO VAULT condition for this dataset
  • DORET – DO RETENTION condition for this dataset
  • DORET2 – DO RETENTION_2 condition for this dataset
  • DORET3 – DO RETENTION_3 condition for this dataset
  • RRULNM – Rule name for DO RETENTION condition
  • SRULNM – Rule name for DO STACK condition
  • VRULNM – Rule name for DO VAULT condition
  • PRULNM – Rule name for DO POOL condition
  • RRULTB – Rule table name for DO RETENTION condition
  • SRULTB – Rule table name for DO STACK condition
  • VRULTB – Rule table name for DO VAULT condition
  • PRULTB – Rule table name for DO POOL condition


Order in which the report is sorted. Optional. (Available fields are listed above, under parameter FIELDS.) The /B (or /BRK) option can be added as a suffix to any field to indicate that a page break is inserted in the report when the field changes its value.

This parameter cannot be used when FIELDS=ALL is specified.


Override of default attributes defined for a field. For more information, see the FIELDS parameter in this table. Optional.

This parameter cannot be used when FIELDS=ALL is specified.


Attributes of the summary header lines printed when a field break occurs. Optional.

This parameter cannot be used when FIELDS=ALL is specified.

Note: For a description of the options of these statements, see the FIELDS, SORTBY, ATTR, and BREAK statements in CTTRPT – Database extraction and report utility.

Parent Topic

CTTRLPT – Rule simulation report utility