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CTTRCV Parameters

Utility parameters are supplied using DD statement SYSIN:

Table 350 CTTRCV SYSIN Parameters





Determines which type of recovery is performed

  • TYPE — Type of the recovery. Mandatory.

    - PHYSICAL — A physical (roll forward) recovery is to be    performed.

    - LOGICAL — A logical (roll back) recovery is to be performed.

  • MODE — Mode of recovery. Optional.

    - SIMULATION — Simulation mode. Trace records, and    Media database records when needed, are read. The Media database is not updated and data sets are not recataloged.

    - NORMAL — Normal mode. Default. Trace records, and     Media database records when needed, are read. Updates are actually performed on the Media database (that is, the Media database is updated).

  • FROMREC — Starting point of the recovery. Can only (and must) be specified when TYPE is set to PHYSICAL.

    - LASTBKP — The recovery starts from the point where the Media database was last backed up.

    - FIRSTREC — The recovery starts from the first Trace record. This option is useful for new sites that have not yet performed any Media database backups.

  • CHECKACT — Check if Control-M/Tape is active before starting the recovery. When recovery is performed, the Control-M/Tape Real-time environment must not be active (that is, it must be down or suspended). In simulation mode, this parameter has no effect.

    - Yes — If Control-M/Tape is active, recovery is not started. Default.

    - No — Recovery is started regardless of whether Control-M/Tape is active.

Warning: If No is specified when Control-M/Tape is active, Media database integrity can be lost and unpredictable results can occur.

Use this value to initiate a recovery in a test environment on a test Media database while the production environment is still active.

  • RECAT — In logical (roll back) recovery, recatalog data sets that were uncataloged by the CTTRTM utility.

    - Yes — Recatalog all data sets that were uncataloged. Note: The same catalog environment that existed for the CTTRTM utility is required by the CTTRCV utility. Note: The same catalog environment that existed for the CTTRTM utility is required by the CTTRCV utility.

    - No — Do not recatalog data sets.

  • FORCE–In logical (roll back) recovery, indicates whether a check is performed to verify that the current contents of the Media database match the operation that is reversed.

    - Y (Yes) — Perform the reversal operation without     performing the check. Warning: Specifying Y (Yes) can cause unpredictable results and the loss of Media database integrity.

    - L (Logical)–Perform the check. The changes for the Media database records that pass this check (and therefore match the operation being reversed) are rolled back. Records that do not pass the check are not affected.

    - N (No)–Perform the reversal operation only if all checks were completed successfully.


The scope of the utility can be limited by one or more INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements are optional and are valid only when a logical (rollback) recovery is performed (meaning, TYPE is set to LOGICAL).

For more information about INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements for this utility, see the discussion in the appendix to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide that discusses logical field names for the Control-M/Tape Repository.

For additional information on INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM).

Parent Topic

CTTRCV – Recover the Media database using trace file