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CTTDLD Parameters

Table 336 CTTDLD Parameters



The following parameter is specified in the EXEC statement:


Name of the input file containing the data (VWR records) to be converted. Mandatory and valid only in CONVERT mode.

The following parameters are supplied using DD statement SYSIN:


Used to specify both the parameters that affect the general functioning of the utility, and the execution mode of the utility. Mandatory.

Only one TYPERUN statement can be specified for each run of this utility.

Valid subparameters are:

  • MODE — Operation mode. Valid values are:
  • ADD — Add volume entries to the Media database.
  • DELETE — Delete scratch volume entries from the Media database.
  • CONVERT — Convert volume entries from another tape management product’s database to Control-M/Tape Media database format.


Volume range and attributes. Valid values are:

  • FIRST–First volume serial number in the range. Mandatory.
  • LAST–Last volume serial number in the range. Mandatory.


One of the media types defined in member CTTPARM. Mandatory and valid only in ADD and CONVERT modes.


Indication of whether the volume is added as scratch. Mandatory and valid in ADD mode only. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes – Volume is added as scratch.
  • N - No – Volume is not added as scratch.


Vendor of the media. Optional. Valid only in ADD and CONVERT modes.


String to replace the prefix of the volume serial number (volser). The SL-name of the volume remains unchanged. Optional. The use of this parameter is valid only in ADD and CONVERT modes. The length of this string must not exceed the length of the prefix in parameters FIRST and LAST (above).

Parent Topic

CTTDLD – Add, Delete, or Convert Volumes