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CTORSTM Fields of the Report

Report information is displayed according to the following fields:

Table 317 CTORSTM Fields




For messages, the message code. For commands, the command text (for example, S for S OPER1).

Note: Message or command IDs may have been redefined using a DO SET %%$STATID statement in the rule definition.


Indicates whether the current line describes a message or a command. Valid values are:

  • M – Message
  • C – Command


Number of times the message or command has been intercepted by Control-O (from the start of accumulation).


Number of message or command occurrences for which at least one rule has been triggered by Control-O.


Number of message or command occurrences that have been suppressed by Control-O.


Text of the first occurrence of the message or command after creation of the Statistics file.

When text length exceeds the text field length, the RIGHT command (PF11 or PF23) can be used to shift more text into view, or the WRAP command can be used to continue the text display in the following lines.

For messages or commands that have been locally reset, the REDATE command can be used to alternate between display of the message text and display of the reset date and time.


Total number of messages or commands handled by Control-O.


Total number of messages or commands suppressed by Control-O.

Parent Topic

CTORSTM – Statistics Report Utility