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CTOCTI Utility Output

The output of the CTOCTI utility is a series of messages describing objects (resources) at your site. These messages are used to trigger the SYSIMAGE facility and generate an Object database to be used by COSMOS.

The following is a sample output for this utility:

Figure 117 CTOCTI Sample Output

---------------------------|-------------------|--------- -|----------------------

CTO659I ELD                 N/A                      N/A                  INACTIVE   

CTO659I PDS MANAGER         N/A                      PDSMAN               ACTIVE     

CTO659I TEST PDS MANAGER    N/A                      PDSMANT              INACTIVE   

CTO659I BB CSA MONITOR      N/A                      N/A                  INACTIVE   

CTO659I RESOLVE             N/A                      RESOLVE              ACTIVE     

CTO659I ENDEAVOR            N/A                      N/A                  INACTIVE   

CTO659I CONTROL-D           N/A                      GADTROLD             ACTIVE     

IOSAS                       N/A                      IOSAS                EXCLUDED   

CATALOG                     N/A                      CATALOG              EXCLUDED   

THIS JOB                    N/A

 M19XB4CT             ACTIVE

**UNDEF OBJECT**            *UNDEFINEDCLASS*         GRS                  ACTIVE

Certain messages return an object name of **UNDEF_OBJECT**. These messages describe started tasks that were active in the environment, but were not listed in the input file for the utility. The SYSIMAGE facility creates objects for undefined address spaces. However, such objects are not assigned values in the DETAIL and CLASS columns of the Object database.

To ensure that no started tasks are omitted from the Object database created from the utility output:

  1. Run the CTOCTI utility (not using the SYSIMAGE facility while the rule CTO659I of Control-O/COSMOS is not loaded or held).
  2. Check the messages generated by the utility for undefined objects.
  3. Edit the input file for the CTOCTI utility as follows:
    1. Add rows for the missing started tasks.
    2. Specify an appropriate object name for each started task.
    3. Determine the program name for each started task (using the CTOCTA utility) and specify it in the input file.
  4. When all started tasks have been defined in the input file for the CTOCTI utility, rerun this utility using the SYSIMAGE facility.

    The SYSIMAGE facility uses the utility output to create an Object database that includes all started tasks not excluded using the input file to the utility.

Parent Topic

CTOCTI – Generate Input for the SYSIMAGE Facility