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CTVGICHK Parameters

Input parameters are supplied to the CTVGICHK utility using a SYSIN DD statement.

All input parameters have a key format, and can be specified in random order. Each parameter (except for the PATH parameter) can be specified only once.

There are two groups of input parameters:

Table 297 CTVGICHK selection parameters




Indicates whether the Control-V migrated reports should be processed. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • NO – Do not process reports from the Migration User file, but only from the Active User file. Default.
  • YES – Process reports from the Migration User file as well as from the Active User file.
  • ONLY – Process reports only from the Migration User file, and not from the Active User file.

Note: Reports can be processed from the Migrated User file in EXTENDED mode only if the Index files are resident (the original index files are located on DASD).


Indicates whether the new reports which have not been loaded to Global Index database yet should be selected by the utility. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • YES – select only the reports that are marked as loaded to the Global Index database. Default.
  • ALL – select the reports that are marked as loaded to the Global Index database as well as the new reports.
  • NO – Select only the new reports that are not marked as loaded to the Global Index database.


The name of the recipients or mask patterns for which the indexes are checked. Mandatory.

Up to 15 users or masks can be specified using the format USER=(USERA,M*,D??45).


From ODATE of the report. This is the earliest order date from which indexes are checked. Optional.

The date should be specified in the format dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd, depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM member.

This parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is number of days (0 -99999) preceding to the current date.


To ODATE of the report. This is the latest order date until which indexes are checked. Optional.

The date should be specified in the format dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd, depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM member.

This parameter can also be specified in the format -N, where N is number of days (0 -99999) preceding to the current date.


The job name for which the reports are selected. This can be a specific value or a mask pattern. Optional.


The report name for which the reports are selected. This can be a specific value or a mask pattern. Optional.

If the report name contains embedded spaces, place the report name between apostrophes.


The Job ID of the job producing the report. Format depends on JES definitions; either JOBn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 5 digits or Jn..n, where n..n is the job number containing 7 digits. Optional.


The name of the index path that should be checked. optional.

The index path should include all index levels loaded to the DB2 table. Locations should be separated by a slash, using the following syntax:


This parameter can be specified several times in order to check the integrity of several index paths during a single utility run.

If this parameter is omitted, all index paths that are described in the CTDGIDB2 member are checked for the selected reports.

Parent Topic

CTVGICHK – Global Index database integrity check