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CTVGICL Parameters

The following parameters can be specified to the utility in the SYSIN DD statement:

Table 294 CTVGICL Parameters





Valid value is:

  • DELRPT – Delete reports from the Global Index database.


Determines whether the CTVGICL utility is run in Production mode or Simulation (Test) mode. Optional.

BMC recommends running this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

Valid values are:

  • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, performing the actual index deletions. Default.
  • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not deleting any indexes.


Specifies the name of the DB2 table where the entries are removed. This parameter can be specified several times or omitted. If this parameter is omitted all DB2 tables specified in the CTDGIDB2 member are checked for deletion


Indicates whether to use the list of deleted reports produced by the CTDDELRP or CTVCLMIG utilities. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • NO - The utility determines which reports no longer exist in active and migrated user files. Default.
  • YES - The utility uses the input list of deleted reports produced by the CTDDELRP or CTVCLMIG utilities. Only reports with VSA keys included in this list are deleted. All selection criteria are ignored.


Indicates whether the reports to be deleted are grouped by issuing SQL requests.

Valid values are:

  • NO - A separate SQL request is issued to delete each report from the DB2 table. Default.
  • YES -One SQL request is issued to delete a group of reports from the DB2 table. A maximum of 628 reports are grouped to one SQL request. If there are more reports for deletion, several SQL requests are issued.

This option improves the utility's performance. However, the output messages do not include the number of deleted entries per deleted report.


Indicates whether to perform a trace during utility execution. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • NO   - Do not perform a trace. Default.
  • YES - Perform a trace.


Specifies the number of deleted entries after which COMMIT is issue. Default: 10000

If the value of PORTION is 0, COMMIT is issued after all entries from a report or group of reports are deleted.

The following parameters can be used to select reports which are checked for deletion. Specifying these parameters decreases the running time of the utility. If you don’t specify these parameters and the utility runs too long, run it several times with different selection criteria. These parameters can be specified only if REPLIST=NO.


Specifies the job name or mask.

Only reports with these job names are checked for deletion.


Specifies the report name or mask.

Only reports with these report names are checked for deletion.

Note: Wish WD1164 determines whether the report key holds a job name or a report name. Specify the appropriate JOBNAME or REPNAME parameter to the utility. If both parameters are specified to the utility, only the relevant parameter is checked


Specifies the list of recipient names or masks.

Only reports with these recipient names are checked for deletion.

Parent Topic

CTVGICL – Clean Global Indexes