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CTVCLMIG Parameters

Table 289 describes the EXEC statement parameters of the CTVCLMIG utility.

Table 289 CTVCLMIG Parameters




Expiration date. Optional.

Format of the date can be DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM parameters member.

This parameter can be specified in TEST mode only. If EXPDATE is specified the utility works as though submitted at the value given in the parameter date. Using this parameter the user can receive a list of CDAM and Index files that expired on the given date.


Determines whether the utility performs the LOCATE action for all migrated files. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • LOCATE – The utility performs the LOCATE action for all migrated files. Default.
  • NOLOCATE – The utility performs the LOCATE action only for expired files that must be deleted. The volume serial numbers of the unexpired files are obtained from the Migrated User file. This option can significantly improve performance of the utility.

If TAPELIST=YES, NOLOCATE can cause the issuing of an incorrect list of expired tapes, if there are migrated files that were moved from the original tapes outside of Control-V.

Note: This parameter is ignored for files migrated to OAM or CENTERA.


When the Migration User file is allocated to multiple partitions, this parameter determines the partition number against which the utility runs.

Valid values are:

  • M – The main partition. Default.
  • A single-digit, from 1 through 9, indicating a specific partition number.


Determines whether the CTVCLMIG utility is run in Production mode or Simulation (Test) mode. Optional. You should run this utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

  • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, changing and deleting report entries and CDAM files that satisfy the requirements specified by other parameters. Default.
  • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting but not changing or deleting any files.


Determines whether the utility checks for orphan user and SYSDATA records, that is, user records that do not have corresponding SYSDATA records and SYSDATA records that do not corresponding user records. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • Y – the utility checks for orphan user records and deletes them in PROD mode. Default.
  • N – the utility does not check for orphan records. However, the performance of the utility is substantially improved.
  • S – the utility checks for orphan SYSDATA and user records and deletes them in PROD mode.


Determines if the list of deleted Report keys should be produced. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • NO - List of deleted Report keys is not produced. Default.
  • YES - List of deleted Report keys is produced.

If YES is specified, add the following DD statement to the DELACT step:


The deleted Report key will be added to the DSN if this report was added to the Global Index database. The record of this file is 25 bytes long and includes a 24-byte VSA key of the report and a blank in the last position.


Determines if the utility produces the list of expired cartridges. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • YES – The utility produces the list of expired cartridges. Default.
  • NO – The utility does not produce the list of expired cartridges.

Parent Topic

CTVCLMIG – Clean migrated CDAM files