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CTDUPTR Parameters

The following groups of input parameters can be specified in the input stream:

Table 282 CTDUPTR selection parameters




The recipient name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 8 characters.


The level of the recipients to be updated. Maximum length: 2 characters.


The name of the recipient’s parent. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 8 characters.


The level of the recipient’s parent. Maximum length: 2 characters.


The synonym name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 20 characters.

If the specified value includes blank spaces, the parameter value must be surrounded by apostrophes.


The TSO user to which the recipient is authorized. Complete value or mask. Maximum length: 8 characters.


Recipient description line or its substring. Maximum length: 59 characters.

If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the substring, the value must be written surrounded by apostrophes, and the apostrophes included in the substring must be doubled.


Recipient address line or its substring. Maximum length: 52 characters.

If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the substring, the value must be written surrounded by apostrophes, and the apostrophes included in the substring must be doubled.

Table 283 CTDUPTR update parameters




Recipient name. Mandatory for the INSERT and COPY groups. Maximum length: 8 characters.


Recipient level. Mandatory for the INSERT group. Maximum length: 2 characters.


The name of the recipient’s parent. Maximum length: 8 characters.


The level of the recipient’s parent. Mandatory for the INSERT group if PARENT is specified. Maximum length: 2 characters.


Recipient description.

One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

  • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new line to the end of the description.
  • ‘-‘ – The following text is a line that should be deleted from the description. If -*ALL* is specified, all description lines are deleted.
  • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new line after the current line. The current line is the line that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the line is inserted as the first description line.

To replace a line, the old line should begin with ‘-‘ and the new line should begin with ‘>’in the following statement. Maximum length of the description line: 59 characters.


Recipient synonyms.

One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

  • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new synonym to the end of the list of synonyms.
  • ‘-‘ – The following text is a synonym that should be deleted. If -*ALL* is specified, all synonyms are deleted from the recipient entry.
  • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new synonym after the current synonym. The current synonym is the synonym that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the synonym is inserted as the first synonym in the list.

To replace a synonym, the old synonym should begin with ‘-‘ and the new synonym should begin with ‘>’ in the following statement. Maximum length of the synonym line: 20 characters.


TSO user names authorized to access the reports of the recipient and its children. The user name should be specified in the format n..n or n..n;S, where n..n is a user name or its prefix (maximum: 8 characters). If the letter S appears after the semi-colon (;), the specified online user is also authorized to access SYSDATA records and create global rulers.

One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

  • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new user name to the end of the list of users.
  • ‘-‘ – The following text is a user name that should be deleted. If -*ALL* is specified, all authorized users are deleted from the recipient entry.
  • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new user name after the current name. The current user name is the user name that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the user is inserted as first TSO user in the list.

To replace a TSO user name, the old user name should begin with ‘-‘, and the new should begin with ‘>’ in the following statement.


Location to which the user bundle is sent during distribution. The address will be printed in the user banner. If **P is specified, the address of the parent is used.

One or more statements may be specified. The first statement can be started immediately after ‘=’ or from the next card. Each following statement should be started from the new card. The first non-blank character of each statement is a service code with one of the following meanings:

  • ‘+‘ – The following text will be added as a new line to the end of the address.
  • ‘-‘ – The following text is a line that should be deleted from the address. If -*ALL* is specified, all address lines are deleted.
  • ‘>’ – The following text will be inserted as a new line after the current line. The current line is the line that was added or deleted with the previous statement. If it is the first statement, the line is inserted as first address line.

To replace a line, the old line should begin with ‘-‘, and the new line should appear in the following statement. Maximum length of the address line: 52 characters.


Print a report index at the beginning of the user bundle. Valid values are:

  • Y – Yes. Default.
  • N – No.


Print a user banner at the beginning and end of the user bundle. Valid values are:

  • Y – Yes. Default.
  • N – No.


Print a report banner at the beginning and end of the user bundle. Valid values are:

  • Y – Yes. Default.
  • N – No.


Default destination (node and user ID separated by ‘;’) of the printed reports. The length of each node and user ID can be 1–8 characters. If Control-D/Delivery Server is installed, reports can be distributed to a UNIX or Windows NT environment by setting the node value to CTDS.


Indicates whether the user can receive reports using Control-D DPC. Since Control-D DPC is not currently supported, only the value N can be specified. This means that the recipient will not be authorized to receive reports using Control-D DPC. This is the default when inserting new recipients.

Parent Topic

CTDUPTR – Global update of Control-D recipient tree